Chapter One

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I woke to the dripping of water inside my room. My eyes tracked the water as it slowly swelled into tiny droplets and finally fell from the ceiling into a small puddle on the floor. I didn't feel like getting up yet, so I rolled over on my other side, trying to ignore the repetitive plop of water on the concrete. With my sensitive hearing however, each plop quickly became agonizing.

All the more reason why the loud bang on my door was welcome.

"Get up!" the guard called in Russian. The small flap at the bottom of my door opened to reveal oatmeal.

I still wasn't in the mood to get up, but the food would be taken away soon if I didn't, and not to mention the punishment that would follow my misbehavior. So I got up.

The oatmeal was predictable as always, cold and plain, but welcome. I ate it quickly before pushing the bowl back under the flap.

After I finished my breakfast, I took a cold shower and dried off quickly, making sure the metal plate extending from the nape of my neck was dry so it would not rust or spark. I was thankful I didn't have any hair to worry about, all of it having been shaved the other day. It had been getting too long, coming up in small, dark, curly wisps around my head.

I assumed that today I would be having training, so I put on a light, black shirt and black pants, along with my worn-out running shoes.

I sat in my bed again. The water continued to drip.

Be quiet, I thought, annoyed. I attempted to use my powers, trying to use the air around me to block the water from it's free fall. As always, my powers didn't work inside my room. I sighed, unsure why I tried in the first place. It was stupid really, holding out hope that one day it would work.

A sharp knock came at the door. I jumped up, back straightening, feet unconsciously springing apart. This was my standard stance, drilled into me from a young age.

Agent Durus walked into my room, copying my stance in a slightly more relaxed way. He was one of the more present agents in my section of Hydra. He was harsh, but had my best interests in mind.

"You will report to Doctor Galley's office immediately. You have a mission prepared," I raised a single eyebrow at the Agent as he left, but I should have expected it. I usually had missions once or twice a week since the Traitor had left years ago; I hadn't had a mission since last Tuesday.

I walked to the bathroom and made sure my appearance was acceptable before leaving my room, staring into my light eyes that stood out from the natural tan of my skin. Nodding in approval, I opened my door and started to make my way down the concrete halls. I strolled casually, not really caring who saw me, most of the Hydra agents were terrified of me anyway. Lest they got thrown in the training room with me.

I arrived at Doctor Galley's five minutes after I left my room. I rapped at the door with the back of my knuckles and a hearty "Come in!" came from inside the office.

Doctor Galley was an older woman; with small wrinkles on her forehead and a bit of silver in her mouse brown hair, she looked easily fifty, yet she was still beautiful. She had small smile lines, which I always wondered how she got. I had never seen her smile, unless I completed my mission perfectly, which, though often, was not often enough to evoke smile lines.

"Storm," the Doctor softly, "I have a mission for you," I nodded in understanding, silent. I did not not meet her eyes as was standard, but instead stared at her sharp chin.

The Doctor slid a small folder across her desk and opened it. I glanced across the front page before picking up and flipping through it. The front page depicted a young woman, apparently named Zoe Howes. I flipped through the last few pages. All of them were photocopies of handwritten notes and equations for different serums and experiments, several of which I understood. And, several of which I understood were used on me.

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