Chapter Twenty

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 Someone was inside my head.

But not just anyone. I knew her, but I didn't know her name. She was familiar, I felt it. I had met her before. Or had at least felt her presence before.

Still, I didn't want her in my head. I tried to get her out, not thinking about anything but keeping her out. I saw red at the edges of my cloudy vision, but it didn't do much to keep her out. Soon she broke through my block and suddenly I was reliving memories.

"Storm," the Doctor said softly, "I have a mission for you," I was looking to her once again, getting my mission from Doctor Galley. If I looked close enough, I could notice the glint in her eyes. It was almost sad, though she smiled as she handed me the file. My past hands reached for it and flipped it open, letting me see the photos of a dead woman. If I glanced to the right, I could see a shade surrounded by red energy.

It was her. The girl in the training room.

It had been years since I had last seen her, and now I couldn't even recall memory without the girl guiding me through my own mind. I huffed, but heard no sound.

The girl's red energy disappeared and I was taken from this memory to others, some that I didn't even remember before this moment. I saw people in their last moments, some not knowing what hit them and others being acutely aware.

It made me sick to my stomach all over again. But I shouldn't be feeling that way. The way I thought had changed so much and all of a sudden I was feeling sorry for these people.

Why? Why did I feel bad about feeling sorry? I didn't want to die. Not right now at least. Why would these people?

The thing I knew I didn't want was this woman poking around in my head. I felt and saw every memory with her. Her shadow lurked in the background of every moment. I had to show her that I knew.

I tried to think of her. The thing was, the only time I had seen her was the memory I couldn't recall. So instead I thought of her red energy and how much I wanted her to see herself. I could imagine her face in my mind, even though she was older now.

All of a sudden, I felt an ache in my head, no more acute than the headache I have had since she started poking around, but noticeable nonetheless. I opened my eyes to find myself in a training room, but it was different from the one I had trained in. It was smaller, but had a higher ceiling, and looked marginally cleaner. And one major detail. The girl was in front of me.

I could see her past self, looking only a bit older than I was now, probably around Peter's age. But there was a ring of scarlet energy that were not part of the memory previously. I heard myself speak, but didn't bother paying attention to the words. I was thinking of another moment.

It was a bit harder to picture; I could only remember the emotions surrounding it. Fear, sadness, anger. Why I had felt those things was beyond me, but it didn't seem to work.

I thought of a different memory, one a bit closer to the word. I closed my eyes, imagining black, trying to recall something specific. I brought her to a day in the training room with M.

But she quickly moved on from that memory as well, which was good. The memory was boring anyway, just a sparring match between M and I.

After a lot of boring memories, ones I had already seen before, getting missions, talking to certain people, watching my life backwards, she finally started getting closer.

The memories started to get foggier, and I could hear all the sound from the memory that I hadn't been able to hear before, from the buzzing of electricity to the running water in the pipes. Honestly, the quiet of past memories was welcome, but I was still anxious to get out of my trance.

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