Chapter Twelve

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Please note that this is my least favorite chapter and that the only experience I have with the topics in this chapter is research. I can not guarantee that this is an accurate representation and for that, I am sorry.

In this chapter, there is a suicide attempt. If you are bothered or triggered by that, there will be "***" before and after each mention (there are two) a brief summary at the end of the chapter.

If there is anyway I messed up or did not write this terrible event correctly, please message me and I will fix it to the best of my ability.

Blanket Warnings: On-screen death, disaster aftermath, suicide attempt.

The good thing was, the next day I had a plan.

Or at least I hoped I did as I attached the wired to the circuit board. If I didn't have a plan by now, that probably wouldn't be the best thing. But one thing's for sure, I was getting out of this place in no less than three days. That would give me between five and seven days to get the information I needed and get out of this place.

As far as I knew, I couldn't get out by way of the door, unless Mr. Stark's threat of guards stationed outside it was empty, but he didn't seem like a man who would propose empty threats. And while that wasn't the best thing for me and my plans, I could work around it. I could go through the hamper; the overhead vent and food door were both too small.

I was thankful I kept the spoon. I melted it down well enough to roughly mold it into two rectangular shapes.

That was annoying. I could melt small pieces of metal by heating molecules around it, but I couldn't melt a whole door. Even breaking it down would be good, but no. My powers were too feeble for that kind of work.

Part of me wondered if my superiors at Hydra kept it that way.

No. They wouldn't do that. I was their most valuable asset, they would want me up to par with my powers so I could do my missions.


I shook my head, trying to get the stray thought out of my head. I didn't need to think of those things, I had a job to do.

All at once, I was thankful my head had stopped aching. If it hadn't stopped, I probably wouldn't have been able to complete the mission at all, let alone complete it possibly ahead of the deadline. I hadn't gotten any memory flashes since I had talked to Mr. Stark two days ago, which I was very happy about.

I reached for the laser I had made a few hours beforehand, clicking it to a lower setting. I didn't want to burn all my hardwork to put a brand on it. Honestly, I probably didn't even need it, but I was bored, and maybe I would get praise for putting it on there.

I started to burn the Hydra symbol onto the metal of the flash drive. I took great time and effort into it, taking almost ten minutes to make the circle around it, and even longer to burn the inside design. When I had finished, I leaned back to inspect my work. The eight tentacles headed by a skull.

Suddenly, my head screamed in pain. My vision turned white as I shoved my fist in my mouth to muffle my scream. Moments, memories yet again flashed before my eyes.

A small hand, my hand, holding a gun pointed at Tarin. She tied to a human-shaped target that dwarfed her and was wailing, large tears streaming down her small face. The Hydra symbol was on the corner of the target.

"Okay, now. Just like we practiced," a woman I recognized as Doctor Galley spoke in my ear, "You wouldn't want to disappoint me, would you?" In the memory, however, I felt only a little trust for her. I must not have known her for long at this point.

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