Chapter Sixteen

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   As soon as Peter left, my smile fell and I turned around and face planted into the bed that was far too big and warm. I groaned into the bedding, hoping that no one came back to listen to me.

I had so much hope when it came to the parts. I thought I could smuggle something, maybe even all of it. The circuit boards were a bright spot, but they were fake. Instead of getting out without leaving anything behind and with limited evidence except for the fact that I was gone, I would have to pry myself out of here and steal something to collect the information I required.

The only good thing in this whole operation was that I smuggled a single screwdriver that wouldn't be missed from the basket.

I sighed, looking over at the small clock on the bedside table. It read 5:42, in the evening I was sure. I would just have to wait for the right time. For now, I would have to examine certain ways I could escape by simply using my powers and a flimsy screwdriver.

The deadline was tomorrow after all, and I didn't want to know what awaited me if I failed my mission. I shuddered at the thought of walking up to Doctor Galley empty handed.

But I shook my head, trying to dispel those thoughts. I hated to say it, but I had to be positive. I was plenty resourceful, and had most definitely gotten myself out of worse situations than this mostly unscathed. I just had to be confident.

Although, looking down at my only way out, my chances weren't looking good.

I looked around the room. There wasn't much in the way to escape out of. There was only a door and a couple of vents. The vents could probably work. The opening looked big enough to fit through, and from my previous escapade in the vents, they were more than spacious.

So I could go through there. I sighed.

It wasn't a good plan, but it was the best one I had.


It was nearing eleven in the evening when Tony woke up from a light and uncomfortable sleep. The popcorn bowl rested in his hands, empty. Unfortunate, Peter would probably be hungry by the time he woke up, with his enhanced metabolism and all, and the fact that he was a teenager to boot.

Tony's neck had a painful crick in it. He tried to roll it out, but the more pressing matter was that his left leg slowly was going numb from the weight on it.

Peter was stretched over Tony, his head on Tony's chest, fast asleep. The older man ruffled the boy's curls fondly. It was almost domestic. Tony was surprised by the thought.

Tony watched for a couple more minutes as The Revenge of the Sith wrapped up. As soon as the credits started to play, Tony shook Peter awake. The teen blinked, bleary eyed, looking up at Tony, then the TV, which was playing the classic Star Wars theme music.

"I missed it?" Peter asked, sitting up and stretching. Tony' left leg was extremely grateful.

"I'm afraid so kid. I fell asleep too," Tony admitted, setting the empty popcorn bowl on the coffee table.

He was just about to suggest getting Peter home at a reasonable time when his phone began buzzing on the coffee table. He glanced over at the name, making sure that he couldn't just let it ring out. Unfortunately, it was Ross, again. The man seemed to have no boundaries for times to call.

Tony glanced over at Peter, who was also looking at the name on the phone. The teen just shrugged, before picking up the popcorn bowl and walking to the kitchen. Tony sighed and picked up the phone.

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