Chapter Twenty-Three

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 Somewhere in the World, December 4, 23:03

The Man hissed as a pretty nurse tended to his shoulder wound. That stupid brat had shot him. He hoped she had died, but those stupid, dead agents and doctors were far more brilliant than he gave them credit for. They had created something genius and resilient and he might have endorsed it if he wasn't so against her kind.

The woman's messy cleaning stung his wound once again, interrupting his thoughts. She would not do when he was thinking about such serious things. He raised a gun to her head with his good arm. Still, it took her a moment to notice. When she did, her eyes went wide and she scurried to her feet.

"Get out of my sight," The Man hissed, waving his loaded gun toward the door. The woman ran out of the door. As she went, he thought he could see tears streaming down her face. Good. He didn't blame her.

It was not everyday you were waved out of the room by the head of Hydra himself. If anything, she should be proud she was even deemed fit to be in his presence.

The Man growled to himself as he bandaged the wound one handedly. The nurses in this organization were terrible. When this was a grand place, a temple that was not running on low funds and fumes, he could have gotten exceptional care in a split second. But now it was hard to find someone even passable.

When he took over this organization from his father, who took it over from his father, who took it over from the legendary Red Skull himself, this place was smooth running with plenty of followers. Now, it was hard to find someone for their great work unless they kidnapped them off the street and wiped their memories.

The Man got up and paced the room, ignoring the tinge of pain in his shoulder. He had to find a way to get rid of that girl, that sickening mutant. She had powers, and not normal ones at that. The Winter Soldier was noble, doing Hydra's work for as long as The Man's grandfather had been the Head of Hydra. The Soldier had failed no missions in his long line of work. However, as he read over this "Storm"'s files, he read of many botched missions that resulted in the deaths of Hydra's agents and her siblings.

The fact that this insignificant little girl had been the only survivor of her siblings for months displayed the amount of attachment her superiors had over her. She must have been spoiled senseless for that to happen.

In fact, that deserved punishment in itself. Though he had already killed many people over the course of the past ten years about these children, he supposed a few more couldn't hurt. It wasn't like they were important anyway.

So he slid behind his ancient desk (which had belonged to his father, and his father, and the Red Skull) and typed on his computer, finding all the data on those who had been associated with these children. He pulled up the file on the Doctor that had been appointed over the children.

Doctor Julia Galley. A good doctor. Had advised many invasive surgeries that had improved the performances of certain assets.

What a shame that none of it could save her.

He continued to find all the people that had ever been associated with this child and sentenced them to death, one by one, just for the satisfaction. When he was finished with his ritual, he called his secretary into the room. She was a pretty woman, but not quite pretty enough. He would have to get a new one as soon as this was over.

"Yes sir?" she said, her voice even and low. He liked it better when it trembled.

"Deliver this note to the head of security," The Man said, waving a note announcing the deaths of over fifty people in the air casually.

"Yes sir," she said, gently taking the note from his hand without touching him and walking out of the room. Maybe she wasn't that bad. She had lasted longer than a month, which was a victory for her at least.

The Man got up and paced again, still trying to ignore the pain in his shoulder, but a sudden spike almost brought him to his knees. Though he hated to admit it, he was still human, not immortal. If he didn't act soon, infection might set in.

He walked over to the desk phone and called the number for medical. They picked up on the first ring, but The Man didn't let whoever was behind the phone speak before he did.

"I was shot in the shoulder. Give me a competent nurse this time," He growled into the receiver before hanging up.

While he waited, he took the time to review several of the files that he had on her. It was common knowledge that Tony Stark had managed to hack into the dropped server, but thankfully he couldn't get the mission reports on there, no matter what any file said. The only way anyone could get those files was through The Man himself. The one and only mission report now resided with him, now that Doctor Galley was to be disposed of.

The nurse arrived quickly, but that was about all she did quickly. Her capabilities, though better than the previous nurse, took far too long. When she made the pain worse once again, he ordered her out of the room.

He glanced down at the messy plans laying on his desk, written by the girl and stolen from her room while she slept. They were almost unreadable, written in chicken scratch cursive, but she got the point across well. Nanotech particles, used as a weapon. He nodded to himself. For all of her faults, Corentine Stewart was a genius.

She would die for the trouble she had caused him, he was sure of it. Over his dying breath, she would be disposed of.

The Man smiled darkly. All he had to do was order it to be done.

I Am The Storm - Complete December 12nd, 2020

Special Chapter coming January 2nd, 2021 - Family Attachments

(Family Attachments will be added onto the end of this book)

Book Two - I Am [REDACTED] coming February 6th, 2021 

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