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(Hey before this starts (N/n) stands for nickname)


Your POV
  It's been a few days since I became the team's manager. I hate to admit it but Oikawa and Iwaizumi were right. Being in the gym made me feel at home.
  Today practice got canceled because the coaches had important matters to tend to. We were all to go home after school even though I'm pretty sure we could've practiced on our own.

  'Ring Ring'

  "Hello?" I answered packing up my things out of my locker.
  "Hi (N/n) dear," my mother responded, she sounded like she was rushing.
"What's up?" I asked.
"Do you mind picking up (S/n) for me, I have a meeting and your father is working late tonight," she rushed.
"No, I don't mind mom, if it'll help you and dad I'll do it," I replied.
"Thank you, love, I'll treat you all to a nice dinner tomorrow to repay you," she said.
"Bye mom, I love you," I said with a small smile.
"I love you too, darling," she responded and then ended the call.
  I took my belongings up and turned around to start walking to the school's gate but instead met Oikawa in my way.
  "Go away!" I screeched.
  "No! Let me walk home with you!" He said puffing out his cheeks. A sight you'd only see when he's upset.
  "I'm not going straight home, also I don't want to give people the wrong idea," I said looking off to the side where a couple of his fangirls were whispering and looking at us.
  "Wherever you're going let me come (Y/n)-chan!" He demanded.
"Oh my god you're such a big baby, I'll only let you come because I want you to stop making a scene," I gave in.
"Yay! Let's go!" He said cheerfully pushing me towards the gate.


"Where are we going? Oikawa asked for like the fifth time.
"You should've asked that before following me, for all you know I could be taking you to a deserted alley to murder you," I replied jokingly.
"(Y/n)-chan if you murder me you'll miss me right after," he said putting his hand on my head.
  "Get your hand off me, I'll fight you y' know!" I shouted.
  "No! Not until you tell me where we're going!" He shouted back.
  "We're going to pick up my sister, " I mumbled taking his hand off my head.
  "You have a sister? He asked raising an eyebrow.
  "Isn't that what I just said Dummykawa? " I asked snarkily.
  "Hey, no need to be mean I'm just making sure I heard right, " he whined.
  After we cleared up where we were headed we both continued to bicker. This carried on for the rest of our journey

When we arrived my sister was there standing at the gate looking dirty as expected. She always had a bad habit of not minding her hygiene during a game.
"(S/n)!" I called out walking up to her with Oikawa next to me.
"Why the hell are you always so dirty?" I asked pulling her bucket hat off her head.
"None of your business, give me my hat back!" She shouted.
"No, I don't think I will..." I said putting it on my head.
  "You're such an ass (N/n)!" She shouted.
  "Don't call me an ass, rodent!" I shouted back.
"You two are adorable..." Oikawa stated, making me punch him in the arm.
   My sister finally noticed the brunette standing beside me, "Hey...you're that pretty setter that my best friend has a crush on!"
  "Did you just expose Hisa?" I asked flicking her forehead.
  "She's delusional, it's obvious you two are together or something," she said rubbing her forehead.
  My face must've turned twenty different shades of red at her statement, "Ah- no- you've got it wrong! He's just the captain of the team I'm managing."
  "Yeah your sister doesn't like me like at all," he said chuckling.
  "Wait so why are you here if she doesn't like you?" She asked looking up at him. She was quite short for an eleven-year-old so their height differences were quite funny.
  "That's because she's lying to herself, I believe she truly does like me," he said lowering his voice as if I wasn't supposed to hear.
  "You wish I did, Trashykawa," I said scrunching up my nose.
My sister giggled at his teasing and joined in, "I think she likes you too."
"Oh no, you two are not going to start plotting against me let's go home," I said grabbing her hand.
We all continued to talk as we walked in the direction of my house. Oikawa and (S/n) seemed to get along quite well. He actually seemed rather different talking to her. He was much sweeter and more gentle. Even though she didn't exactly look gentle she actually was on the inside, he must be a great personality reader.
"So do you play any sports?" Oikawa asked my sister.
They were now having their own conversation as though I didn't exist.
"I play volleyball and baseball, but I mainly stick with volleyball!" She said enthusiastically.
"Oh really? What position do play as?" He asked glancing back at me.
"They keep me as libero because I'm tiny but I can play in other positions!" She said still enthusiastic.
  "We should play together sometime then, " he said still taking glances back at me.
'What's up with that why does he keep looking back at me?'
  He hunches over and whispers something (S/n) all while still glancing back at me occasionally. Whatever he said she nodded her head in agreement also glancing back at me.
"(Y/n) my lovely, beautiful, smart older sister?"
(S/n) called out falling to step with me and also peering up at me.
"What do you want rat?" I asked knowing Oikawa probably told her to ask something dumb.
"Don't be mean (Y/n)-chan she's your sister after all..." He said also falling into step with me and lazily draping an arm over my shoulder, "You should listen to her."
  I looked at him in suspicion trying to ignore the hand around my shoulder but soon turned away to look at the (h/c) girl next to me in her (e/c) eyes.
  "Continue...I guess," I told her.
"Can we...can we practice today before going home?!" She inquired loudly.
I glared at Oikawa who was looking at me with the cheekiest smirk ever. Then turned back to my sister with a sad expression on my face.
"No we can't, you're too dirty to go anywhere else, " I stated knowing that wasn't really the reason.
Truth be told I just wanted to avoid practicing with them. I've only ever practiced by myself and I was afraid of that changing.
'Well except for that one summer with that boy I can barely remember'
  Oikawa pulled his arm from around my shoulder and slumped over. He looked defeated. Meanwhile
(S/n) was worried about her now sad new friend.
  "Let's go home now, I'll give you my snacks to make up for it, " I compromised.


Oikawa's POV
  When we got to their house (S/n)-chan said her goodbyes to me and rushed inside to get herself cleaned up.
(Y/n)-chan and I stood face to face in front of the door in awkward silence.
  Ever since we asked to practice, we've all looked a little sad walking together.
  "Oikawa why do want to see me play so bad? I'm nothing special and I'm pretty sure you'll notice that as soon as I start playing with you, " she asked evading eye contact as the hat on her head from earlier shaded her (e/c) eyes.
  "I want to see you play so I can prove that's not true, you probably are special, " I said softly.
  "Whatever dork!" She said pushing me a little. Her outbursts never failed to make me laugh.
"Thanks for coming even though I shooed you away at first, you should come over some time but only because that little rat inside likes you, " she said as a small blush appeared on her face.
"Are you sure it's not you that likes me (Y/n)-chan?~" I cooed.
"GO HOME SHITTYKAWA!" she shouted swatting at me like I was a bug she wanted to kill.


PoshTato: So Iwaizumi... What do you think of his behavior in this chapter?

Iwaizumi: I think he's been fairly nice...but he's still trash.

PoshTato: Oh yes, he always will be...

Happy Birthday to our favorite great king Oikawa‼️❤️
May he be fed many loaves of milk bread✨🥳🍞

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