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Your POV
'How the heck did I end up in this situation?!' You thought to yourself as sat in front of the principal's office across from a student with a bleeding nose, which happened to be caused by you.

Third Person POV
The week after Oikawa came over for dinner he spent a lot of time hanging around you for some strange reason. It was fun to have him as company and all but... you got weird looks from a few of the girls as you walked through the halls.
It wasn't a group of girls staring at you all at once but it was enough to make you feel uncomfortable. You tried to brush it off until one day, you opened your locker and a hurriedly folded paper fell out. As you bent down to pick it up someone passed behind you and nudged you making you tip over and falling your butt.
Ignoring the person who knocked you down, you scoffed and got up as you grabbed the paper. You opened it and read the contents...

'Listen you slut, stay away from Oikawa-senpai or I will personally make your life a living hell'

"(Y/n)!" Iwaizumi called out to you from behind making you jump and crush the paper.
You turned around and face him with your hands behind your back. In the fakest voice possible you said, "Hi Iwa!"
He looked at you confused for a moment before brushing it off.
  "Practice is starting, want to walk together?" He asked you.
"Sure," you simply accepted. You didn't want to have to talk to him about the little note you had in your hand.

Your POV
  After changing into more comfortable clothing I ripped up the note, threw it away, and continued with practice as if nothing had happened. Whoever could've caused this could wait.
I completely zoned out into their practice so that I could forget about the warning. When Oikawa or Iwaizumi tried to talk to me I kept the conversation short and simple. They seemed suspected something because of that.
"(Y/n)-san," Kindaichi called out to me, "you're so oddly focused on the game today, it's intense."
I looked at him and forced out a smile saying, "I'm just slightly more... m- motivated."
The stutter I let out made my smile drop and I shifted my gaze to Oikawa effective immediately. He was squinting at me, which was a sign he knew I was lying. It didn't matter though, he wasn't going straight home after practice so once I avoided him here I was in the clear.


  We all went our separate ways when practice ended. I headed back into school because I forgot something. As I walked through the semi-dark empty halls my mind wandered over to that note again.
  'Who the hell has that much of a grudge against me for being friends with Oikawa?'
  It was pretty dumb in my opinion, it's not like I liked him. And even if I did, who were they to butt into our lives?
When I got to my destination there was someone there waiting for me. I squinted trying to pick out who the person was but quickly realized who it was.
"Chi-san?" I questioned.
  Chinami Yuda was a very well known girl in my class. She was practically the opposite of me...outgoing, smart, gentle, beautiful, talented, and confident. Many guys and girls had crushes on her or looked up to her. Blonde hair, green eyes, tall with an almost perfect figure, she was an icon.
  Something about the way she stood there didn't sit right with me. Her perfectly cut bangs seemed to shade her eyes giving her a dark look in contrast to the bright smile I normally saw.
  "Kino-chan," she began as she remained in her position, "let's talk love."
  The smile she gave me, it almost triggered my fight or flight response. Reluctantly I stepped a bit closer to her.
  "What's up?" I asked keeping it short and simple.
  "You...and Oikawa-senpai," she said firmly standing up straight and looking down at me.
I immediately realized she was the one that wrote that dumb note.
"There's nothing to talk about there," I replied with a more firm tone. Being a quiet person who kept to themself didn't always have to come with a 'take people's crap' attitude.
"If there's nothing to talk about why is he hanging around you so much?" She asked as a frown appeared on her face.
  "That is none of your damn business you psychopath!" I shouted, turning and walking back in the direction I came. Whatever I needed to get could wait until tomorrow, if I stayed any longer that wouldn't have ended well.


  The next day at school I entered the classroom to meet the tall blonde sitting on my desk. I wanted to do full one-eighty, but I kind of needed my desk for class and stuff.
"Can you excuse me please?" I asked quietly aware that most of the class's eyes were on me because I was actually talking.
"I'm busy," she firmly said.
"Chinami-san will you just get off my table!" I shouted getting annoyed. I was still irritated because of what took place the evening before.
A loud echo. The class went silent as her hand made contact with my face. I put my hand up to the now heated area in disbelief. She just slapped me.
"Don't raise your voice to me, slut," she said so only I could hear.
  That was it, she slapped me AND insulted me. I was about to end this dumb bitch—
  I balled up my fist and swung as hard as possible, making impact with her face. Her nose to be specific. That wasn't too pretty once I was done—

"(N/n) what were you thinking?!" My mom said when she appeared.
  I simply turned my head away from her. Explaining myself was the last thing I wanted to do. I needed to calm down first. So I simply just handed her the slip of paper.
"A suspension?!" She shouted.
"(Y/n) your father is going to be livid. You're normally quiet what happened?" She said toning down her voice.
Obviously, I had no answer. Not unless she wanted a slur of curse words. I took her keys from her and got up and walked off in the direction she normally parks.
'I hate people' I thought to myself as I stared monotonously at the path in front of me.


PoshTato: Ohio, I've been 'busy' or whatever...I got free from Oikawa thank god. And he's back in a mental institution.

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