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Your POV
"Mom, we're both sweaty this is unpractical," I said trying to change her mind as we entered the house.
"You two can take showers, I'm sure we can find something that can fit Oikawa," she said firmly.
(D/n) came running up to me right after I shut the door. I bent down and started scratching him.
"Hewwo my fwuffy baybee," I said in the voice that he loved ever so dearly.
I looked over at Oikawa who was trying to hold in a laugh because of how stupid I sounded.
"Go get the trash bag," I said pointing at Oikawa.
"Will you stop insulting me?!" He screeched.
(D/n) went to Oikawa and started sniffing him suspiciously. Not long after Oikawa bent down and started patting him, which made him automatically assume he wasn't a threat.
"Noooo you're supposed to bite him (D/n)!" I groaned.
"Your dog knows a good person when he sees one, you should take notes (Y/n)-chan," he said as he continued playing with the dog.
"OIKAWA!!" (S/n) shouted as she ran up to us.
"Are you really staying for dinner?!" She asked.
He hummed a 'yes' in response which made her start jumping. All the excitement made (D/n) start running around her, barking for joy too.
"You guys are supposed to be my family, traitors," I shot at the happy two.
I ushered Oikawa upstairs while sending a few glares at (S/n) so that we could both freshen up.


  "Wait here I'll go first while my mom finds something for ya," I said gesturing to the guest room.
  He willingly entered and sat down on the chair near the spare desk we had in here.
  "(Y/n)-chan before you go..." he started, "Why aren't there pictures of you around the house?"
  "I took them down, I hate seeing myself," I replied.
  He looked at me with a bit of thought for a second before turning away, "Hm...okay."
  When it seemed like he had nothing else to say I walked out of there and into the bathroom. The shower I took washed away any tension I had gained from practicing. I let the water run on my face as my mind wandered a bit.

  I hit the ball yet again. It annoyed me that I couldn't play yes, but I'd never stop practicing. We were on summer vacation and I'd found this volleyball court nearby. So I took the opportunity to practice on my own.
  There was just something about volleyball that amazed me. The running, the jumping, the quick movements, the sound of the ball making contact with the ground, even the squeaking of my shoes as I played. Oh, how I loved the sound of my shoes as I changed directions on the court.
  "Maybe no one will ever get to see me play, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't do my best!" I said to myself as I served the ball over the net.

  I smiled to myself as I turned off the shower. Back then I looked way different than I do now, I was a lot friendlier too.
  Wrapping a towel around myself, I opened the door and peeked outside to make sure I had a clear path to my room. I saw no one so I quickly tiptoed to my room.
  "You look like you just did something sketchy," Oikawa giggled as he appeared from the guest room ironically.
  I quickly went inside and slammed the door.
'Crap he just me in a towel!'

Third Person POV
After Oikawa finished he put on one of your dad's outfits from college. The shirt with the college's emblem fit him a little too well... you could see the light imprint of his abs and it was very distracting.
  Even though you were internally shaken you kept your cool as you two walked side by side to the dinner table.
  "So...Oikawa was it?" Your father started as you and Oikawa took seats opposite each other. Oikawa nodded in response, "I heard you're a volleyball team captain, what's it like?"
  "Oh it's pretty cool sir, I like being able to keep the team together even though it gets a little overbearing sometimes," he said earnestly
  "He's pretty immature for a team captain though," you said giving him a smirk.
He puffed out his cheeks in response making you giggle.
"You're pretty immature too," he said as he subtly flipped you off so your dad couldn't see. That made you kick him under the table which resulted in him grimacing.
"Oikawa what made you want to play volleyball?" Your dad asked.
"Well actually..." he started as he looked down at the table with a smile, "I met someone who inspired me."
You automatically assumed it was Iwaizumi since the two were so close.
The rest of the night carried on with all of you talking and laughing heartily while enjoying a homemade meal from your mom. You couldn't help but stare at Oikawa for a while as he and (S/n) engaged in an enthusiastic conversation about volleyball.
'His smile is adorable...' you thought.
Of course, this didn't go unnoticed by your mother. She's experienced this feeling before so she knows it all too well. She let out a soft smile at the sight before her, while nudging your father so he can pay attention to the look on your face too.


  After dinner, Oikawa insists on helping you clean up before he leaves. So the two of you are tasked with washing the dishes alone in the kitchen.
You made sure your hair wasn't in your way and began washing the dishes. When you were don't you passed them to him to dry.
"(Y/n)-chan I want to see your baby pictures, I bet they were cute~" he cooed.
"Maybe I'll consider it," you replied as you looked back at him with a small smile. He was actually closer than you thought he was so it caught you by surprise.
His breath hitched the moment his brown eyes caught your (e/c) ones. Honestly, he didn't expect you to look back at him, but he had to admit he didn't mind the close-up view of your face.
Sadly you quickly turned back around as a blush rose to your face, "W- well it looks like we're done here."
"Yeah...um, I should go—" he said backing up a bit with an also slightly red face.
  "Bye (Y/n) tell everyone else bye for me," he said as he quickly left the kitchen.

Oikawa's POV
As I got home my phone vibrated signifying I'd gotten a message. I took it out and saw '(Y/n)-chan♥︎' pop up.
I instantly tapped the message and gasped at what I saw. It wasn't about the message itself it was about the picture attached. The message simply said, "You wanted a picture of me when I was little so here you go, doofus."
  "It's her..." I stood at the door of my room in shock.

This was my third time seeing her here. She was always practicing by herself. I wanted to ask her why but I think she'd run away from me, so I just kept quiet and watched from outside.
  She hit the ball again but this time the ball came rolling over to me. Before I could hide she came and saw me next to the ball.
  "Were you watching me?" She asked shifting her footing awkwardly.
"Yeah...I didn't mean to be creepy, it's just you play really well," I said avoiding eye contact.
She stayed silent for a moment as her (h/t) (h/c) hair swayed in the wind before saying with a gentle smile, "Come play with me..."


Oikawa: Yoo-hoo(O)

Oikawa: So Author-chan doesn't have writer's block she's just effing lazy...

Oikawa: Hope you enjoyed this chapter <3

*indistinct muffled shouts*

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