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        "I DON'T KNOW. IT'S JUST... IT'S EXHAUSTING."— Acacia sighed, "I'll stay with you, Nat." she continued. Natasha smiled softly, her fingers fidgeting with the pen infront of her. "What happened to Clint?" Acacia breaks the silence. "The snap got his family... Poor him." Natasha replied softly, "All of them?" Natasha nodded in response. Acacia felt stupid for doing nothing. She realized that she could just kill him with a single touch. But Acacia was too fragile and she's always afraid that she's not strong enough, she was still haunted by the bad things it could do. Not just to herself, but to others. It could create chaos, and she's way too terrified. "Are you feeling okay?" Natasha asked, "Oh... Yeah, I'm okay... I think I need a fresh air."

Acacia walked towards the exit door from the HQ, she stood in silence. The voices of the three woman appeared inside her mind. Calling her name over and over again. Was she meant to do something? Nona, Decima, and Morta believed in her. Why do they believe her so much? Did they gave her this power?

"Gosh, can my life get any harder than this?" Acacia mumbled under her breath, she paced across the front door. Just thinking. Sia decided to go back inside, "Steve?" she spoke, he was sitting infront of Natasha. "Hey... How are you doing?" Steve smiled, "Great. Maybe. If that's the answer you're looking for..." Suddenly they heard the front door alert ringing, Natasha clicked on the button. "Hello? Is anyone home? This is Scott Lang, we met a few years ago at the airport..."

"Isn't that the Ant Man guy that turned huge?" Acacia stated, "Yeah... Is this an old message?" Steve said, "It's the front gate." Natasha replied, she looks pretty stunned. "We should let him in." claimed Acacia. A few moments later, Scott was pacing around the room mumbling. "Scott, are you okay?" Steve asked him, Scott was lost in his thoughts. "What? Yeah. Have either of you guys studied quantum physics?" Scott stared at the three of them, "Only to make conversation" Natasha replied. "Isn't that something that deals with time?" Acacia asked, "Yeah, sort of... Well, five years ago, just before this Thanos guy... I went to a place called the Quantum Realm. It's like a microscopic universe. You can only get there if you're incredibly small. " Scott explained, it seemed pretty complex.

        "I'm sorry. It must've been a long five years." Natasha stated as Scott finished. "Okay, but that's the thing. It wasn't. For me, it was five hours. The rules of quantum are different. They're completely unpredictable. Is that anybody's sandwich?" Scott walked towards the table. "That's insane. I thought it was just another mad theory..." Acacia mutters, "Scott, what are you talking about?" Steve asked to clear out things, "Time works differently in the Quantum Realm." Acacia, Steve, and Natasha shared a look. "Problem is, right now, it's chaos, there's no way to navigate it. But what if we could figure out a way to enter the Quantum Realm at a certain point in time...and come out in another. Like, before Thanos-" Scott stopped. "Hang on... Are you talking about a goddamn time machine?" Acacia spoke, this is something way beyond human's mind.

"I know it sounds crazy..." Scott sighed, "Scott, I get emails from a raccoon. Nothing's crazy anymore." Natasha joked, "So, who do we talk to about this?" Scott asked, "There's only one person to go to..." Steve sat down, "Tony?" Acacia continued, "Obviously." Natasha whispered. "Let's go then," Scott got a bit excited. "Maybe it's not that easy, but that's our only choice." Acacia said.


        "So you're calling it a plan. To me, it sounds like an exotic suicide method. Not to mention, it's impossible." Tony stated sarcastically, "We know what it sounds like." Acacia and Scott mutters in unison. "Tony, after what you've seen, is anything really impossible?" Steve asked him, Tony rolled his eyes. "Quantum fluctuation kinda messes with the Planck Scale, which then triggers the Deutsch Proposition, can we agree on that?" Tony blabbered, "Can you speak english?" Acacia sighed. She can get tired of people arguing, so she decided to stay away for awhile. Who is she to them anyways? She just met them about... 5 years ago. Maybe that's a long time, but Tony isn't actually there.

"He's scared." Acacia heard as Natasha and the others walked towards the car again. "He's not wrong..." Steve replied looking a bit hopeless. "What now?" Acacia softly spoke, "Yeah. What are we gonna do? We need him. You wanna stop?" Scott asked frequently, "No. I wanna do it right. We're going to need a bigger brain." Steve said, "Bigger than his?!"


reviving this book again hihihi lets geddit! i miss writing so much omg

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