Chapter Two: The Arrangement

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"Good morning, Ms. Smith," Pandora greeted as she followed me into my office. "Mr. Pilt is on line one for you."

I nodded and dismissed her before sitting down at my desk and picking up the phone.

"You better have good news calling this early in the day," I said, looking through my emails.

"I'm afraid not, Ms. Smith," he answered. "Downsizing is the best option for our current financial situation.  Unless the branches are all able to double their sales in the next two weeks, which I sincerely doubt, Ma'am."

I ran a hand through my hair and thought it over.

"Alright.  Thank you, Mr. Pilt," I said.

I hung up and then dialed the number for Pandora's desk.  She picked up immediately.

"Yes, Ms. Smith?"

"Call a conference room meeting at eleven with Mr. Pilt, Mr. Olson, Mr. Leopold, and Mr. Princeton, please," I said before hanging up.

I ran my hands through my hair before taking a deep breath.  The day had not gotten off to a good start.

I got to work answering emails and signing papers before the meeting arrived.  I started thinking through my solution for the problem

The door to my office swung open, and I sat up straight.  It was Pandora.

"What did I say about knocking, Pandora?"

"I'm sorry, Ms. Smith.  They're all ready in the conference room, Ma'am," she said.  I nodded and stood up, walking out of my office and down the hall to the conference room.

Sure enough, all four of the men I had mentioned were sitting in their chairs around the conference table.  I stood at the end of the table.

"Due to the current situation we are in with finances, I have decided that we will give each sales branch a week to double their sales.  If any of the branches fail to do so, I will decide which branches will be downsized," I announced. "Mr. Pilt, I need you to monitor the sales numbers throughout the next week.  Mr. Olson, you will need to travel to the different branches and check on how things are running throughout the time they are allotted to double their sales.  Mr. Leopold, you need to make sure that we aren't spending money on unnecessary tech.  See if we can downgrade anything that won't affect the productivity levels.  Mr. Princeton, you are in charge of incentivizing the sales teams in the cheapest way possible.  Please consult Mr. Pilt before deciding on incentives.  Capisce?"

They all nodded in response.

"Alright.  You're all dismissed," I said. "Thank you."

I went to walk out of the conference room when I heard quiet laughing.  I turned back to the table to see that Mr. Princeton and Mr. Leopold were both laughing.

"Excuse me?" I said.  They both looked at me.  Mr. Leopold looked terrified, but Mr. Princeton didn't even have a hint of fear in his eyes. "What was funny about my solution?" Neither of them spoke. "Mr. Leopold?"

His eyes darted down at the papers in front of him.

"Mr. Princeton?" I demanded, turning to him.  He was smirking. "Explain yourself, or you're both fired."

"Oliver here just made a comment on your solution that I found amusing," Mr. Princeton said.

"What was this comment?" I crossed my arms.

"I believe he said 'She said please and thank you.  She must've gotten laid,'" he said with air quotes.

"Excuse me!" I said angrily. "If it weren't for our situation, I'd fire you both right now, but I suppose I can wait."

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