Chapter Nine: Just Food Poisoning

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Four more months had passed before Maverick and I flew out of Miami to finally tell my mom about us. My sisters already knew because of facetime, but my mother still didn't know. She was the only one of all four of our parents that didn't know.

I haven't visited since before I took over as CEO (more accurately, since Kelsey's wedding), and we've hardly talked since then. When we do, it's basic things like 'how are you doing'. The conversations are short-lived, and I just never found much time to go in-depth into my life.

Nevertheless, I was completely calm as Maverick drove us towards my mother's house for dinner. His hand held mine over the center console of the car.

"You seem a lot calmer than when you were introducing me to your father," he commented. I smiled and shrugged.

"Right here," I said, pointing at the small house that my mother was living in with her disgusting husband, Avan.

"Ready?" Maverick asked, shifting the car into park. I put on a smile.

"I guess so," I said. He squeezed my hand and let go of my hand to get out of the car. I pushed open the car door and stepped out.

Maverick took my hand, and we walked up to the door. I knocked, and the door was pulled open to reveal my mother.

Her eyes looked me up and down- as usual- judging me and my outfit.

She smiled and pulled me into a hug.

"Emerson! You don't need to knock," she said to me. I smiled. Awkward silence filled the air. She turned towards Maverick. "You must be the boyfriend."

Maverick smiled.

"Maverick West," he said, extending a hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Solon."

Mom shook her head and hugged Maverick. "Nora's fine, Maverick."

She pulled away from the hug, and it was silent again for a moment.

"Oh, come in," she said, stepping aside and motioning us in. We obliged, and I noticed nobody was sitting in the living room. "Have a seat. Can I get you guys anything to drink? Water, milk, wine?"

"Water's fine," I said. She looked towards Maverick.

"I'll have water, too," he said. She nodded with a smile and walked towards the kitchen. Maverick turned towards me and quietly asked, "You okay?"

I nodded.

"Why wouldn't I be?" He just shrugged and lifted my hand to his lips. I smiled at the gesture.

Mom returned to the living room and handed us each a glass of water before sitting in the chair adjacent to the couch.

"You're still babysitting, right?" I asked. She nodded.

"So, how did you two meet?" she asked. I smiled.

"It was actually through our jobs," I said. She smiled.

"Maverick's a writer, too?" she asked, happily. I felt Maverick's confused eyes on me but chose to ignore them.

"No, Mom. I actually ended up switching to business," I said. She frowned. "I took over as CEO of Dad's company, and I met Maverick at a business meeting after he took over for his father."

"Oh," she said. "When did you take over as CEO?"

"Uh- a couple years ago," I said. The situation was growing uncomfortable.

"Oh," she repeated. She forced a laugh, and I forced a smile. "I really haven't talked to you in a while, huh?"

"Not really, no," I said. She was obviously a bit disappointed by that fact.

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