Chapter Seventeen: That Guy Looks Familiar

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"So, I told Ethan that if his co-workers were going to continue treating him that way, then he should quit," Flynn concluded his dramatically told story.   He was sitting on my desk, distracting me from sending the small number of emails that I should probably send. "Isn't that ridiculous, Emerson?"

I nodded, smiling at how defensive and protective Flynn was when it came to his boyfriend.  It was sweet.

"I mean, Ethan had picked up enough days for his co-workers, and one of them should've stepped up to repay the favors," I agreed.  He nodded.

"I know right?" he exclaimed. "You know... I'm lucky to have a boss as great as you are..." I smiled at the compliment.

"Thanks, Flynn, but-"

"If only Ethan had a boss like you," he cut me off.  I rolled my eyes at his implication.

"I'm not hiring Ethan, Flynn," I told him, turning back to my computer, continuing to draft emails.

"What?  Why not?" he complained. "I thought you loved me!"

I shook my head at his childish behavior.

"Of course I do, but I'd also rather not run the risk of walking into my office and seeing you two having sex on my desk," I shot back, turning to look at his reaction.  He was pouting like a toddler with his arms crossed and his bottom lip pushed out.  I rolled my eyes at him as I returned my attention to my work.

"You say that like you and Maverick haven't hooked up on your desk before," he said.

"It's my desk!" I told him, defensively.

I was sort of proud of myself for not blushing at the mention of my sex life.

"Are you saying that you'd hire him if I promised to keep the office sex at my desk?" Flynn asked.

"No, Flynn," I said, beginning a new email.

"Well, that's not fair!" he argued. "How come you get to work with your lover, but I can't work with mine?"

"Because we're completely staffed-" I was cut off by the door to my office swinging open.

I looked up at Maverick and smiled, holding up a finger as I continued writing my email.

"Hey, Mav, we were just talking about you and how Emerson's opinion on sex in the workplace is completely unfair," Flynn told Maverick as he hopped off my desk.  I rolled my eyes at him before looking up at the two of them.  Maverick was looking at me, waiting for me to explain further.

"You made me hire a personal assistant, Maverick," I stated, simply, before finishing my email.

"Speaking of personal assistants- You look like you could use one, Maverick," Flynn commented. "How 'bout I get you a resume tomorrow?" Before Maverick could reply, Flynn patted his shoulder. "Great.  I guarantee you won't regret hiring him, Mav."

Maverick stood there, confused, as I shut my computer off and rolled my chair back.

"Alright, I'll get outta here, so Emerson can be a hypocrite about not allowing me to get with my boyfriend in the office," Flynn said.  I rolled my eyes at him, and he walked out the office with a wink as he blew a kiss.

"What the hell do you guys talk about?" Maverick asked.  I just sighed and shook my head.

"It'd take too long to explain, and we need to get to the open house before the realtor leaves," I said, picking up my purse from the floor under my desk and standing up.  I walked over to him and pressed a quick kiss to his lips. "How was your day?"

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