Chapter Seven: I Love You

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It's been a month since they appeared on the cover of the magazine, and I was forced to get ready for the fundraiser gala that Ms. Underwood had planned.  I didn't want to go if it wasn't already obvious.

Maverick was invited, whether he was going to show was debatable, but I didn't want to take any chances with him and Little Miss Perfect.

I wanted to be happy for him.  I really did.  He deserved to be with someone that actually deserved him, but I couldn't help but be jealous.  At least there was a reason for having to stop the arrangement other than my stupid feelings for him.

Despite me not wanting to go to the fundraiser, I had to.  I put on the black, long-sleeved dress that hugged my curves and realized that there was a slit up the right leg.  I cursed Rose for picking this dress and not giving me any back ups. Ignoring how revealing my dress was (and telling myself that it wouldn't be the most revealing dress there), I put my hair into a low bun with a few tendrils framing my face.  I did my makeup before slipping on a black pair of heels and walking down to the car.

People were already at the fundraiser when I got there, which made me sigh in relief.  At least not everyone was guaranteed to see my dress.  Despite my discomfort, I walked into the hall exuding as much confidence as I could pretend to have.

I smiled and maintained short conversations with people as I made my way towards the champagne table.  After grabbing a glass, I walked towards an empty wall to stand and drink alone.  I swirled the champagne around in the glass and watched as the bubbles spun.

"Nice dress." I didn't look up from the glass, knowing that it was Maverick.

"Where's Valerie?" I asked, taking a sip of my champagne.

"Why am I supposed to know?" he replied.  I looked up at him like he was stupid.

"Well, you two are the 'power couple,'" I said with air quotes.  I really tried to hide my annoyance, I swear.  He smiled, amused.  I rolled my eyes and sighed. "What?"

"You're jealous," he said.  I quickly scoffed.

"You're delirious," I retorted.  His amused smile widened, and I could tell I wasn't helping myself.

"If you'd like to know, we went on a few dates as per my mother's request, but we decided it wasn't going to work," he said.

"I'm sorry," I lied, biting back the urge to smile.

"No, you're not," he said with a chuckle.  I smiled.

"No... I'm not," I agreed.  We both smiled. "If you only went on a few arranged dates, why were there no texts for a month?"

"Uh- Should we go somewhere private?" he asked, looking around.  With a confused expression, I nodded.

I followed him out of the ballroom and into a room off the hall.  He opened the door to the room, and I stepped in.  Maverick shut the door behind him, and I turned to look at him.

"So why no texts?" I asked.  He avoided making eye contact with me.

"I didn't think it was a good idea to continue," Maverick told me.

Funny, that's one of the reasons I didn't text him either.

"Why not?" I asked.  A part of me hoped that his reason was the same as mine, but I wasn't very confident that it was.

"I just don't want you to be angry with me when I tell you," he said.

"Just tell me, Maverick," I said.

"I- Well, I know that there weren't supposed to be any feelings involved..." he trailed. "But I - wow, okay- I love you, Emerson.  I didn't think you liked me back, so I-"

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