Chapter Three: Lonely

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Two weeks have passed since Maverick and I had started the arrangement, but it seemed like so much more time had passed.  It was going really well.  There were no feelings involved which made me relax a bit more about trying to maintain the facade, which I used to get my employees' respect, when I was around him.

Unfortunately, I was sitting at the dining table in my penthouse, eating room service while looking across the table at... Nobody.

I was completely and utterly alone.  No matter how many times a day I forgot it, I always ended up being alone at the end of the day.  Whether it was alone in the office or alone in my penthouse.  And every time I was reminded of that fact, my mind fell off the deep end, thinking about how this will be how it is forever.

I wanted desperately for my phone to ring about a text from Maverick telling me that he was coming over or telling me to come over.

I wanted desperately to forget that I was so terrifyingly alone.  Even if it's for only an hour or so.

Unfortunately, I received no such text and had to just retire to wallow alone in my giant bed for the night.

What happened to you?

I shook my head as if it would really dispel the thoughts.  My focus shifted to the thunder coming from the storm outside of my giant window.

Finally, I managed to fall asleep.

I stood across the foyer from the door to my penthouse, watching the door intently

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I stood across the foyer from the door to my penthouse, watching the door intently.  The door swings open slowly to reveal myself staring lovingly down at a bundle of blankets in my arms.  A tall man stood beside me, carrying a diaper bag and a car seat on the same arm while the other was pushing the door open.

His face was blurred.  The man's body reminded me of Maverick's, but I quickly dispelled that thought because there was no way.

Once I was all the way into the penthouse, the man let the door fall closed slowly before putting the bag and car seat on the ground along the wall.  He walked over to where I was standing in the middle of the apartment and wrapped an arm around me, the other gently pulled the blanket away from the baby's face.

"My sweet, sweet, sweet little baby," I cooed at the baby.

The scene shifted, so I could see the entirety of my living room.  The coffee table was pushed off to the side, and I was sitting on the floor with my back against the couch, playing with a slightly older baby.

I picked the baby up, holding it in the air above my head and making a funny face before sitting the baby down on the blanket with the toys.  I stood up and started to walk over towards the dining room when the baby got onto their hands and knees and started crawling after me.  Just before I reached the dining room, I turned back to check on the baby before seeing it crawling after me.  A giant smile broke out across my face before I turned towards the kitchen and shouted something incoherent.

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