Chapter Eight: Revealing the Relationship

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Maverick and I had been technically dating for two months when I decided to introduce him to Dad and Rose as my boyfriend over dinner. Maverick didn't seem very nervous on the car ride to the restaurant, but I was nervous enough for the both of us.

"Calm down, Baby. It's going to be fine," Maverick said, squeezing my hand. I smiled, nervously. "You know, normally it's the other way around when meeting the parents."

I laughed, nervously.

"I know," I said. "I just want this to go well."

"And it will. You just have to calm down," he said. I nodded and took a few deep breaths.

The driver stopped in front of the restaurant, and we got out. Maverick wrapped an arm around me as we walked in.

Dad and Rose were already sitting at a table along the window, so we walked over. I took a deep breath.

"Hey, Dad. Rose," I greeted. They looked up from their menus at Maverick and me. "You've met Maverick, right?"

Dad nodded and looked at me like I was stupid. I did have a conversation with a small group of people that included both Maverick and Dad.

"Please, sit down," Rose said, motioning towards the two chairs across from theirs.

They didn't know what the dinner was about. They just thought that I wanted to spend time with them (which was true, for the record).

"I didn't know Maverick was going to be joining us tonight," my dad said. I could tell he was trying to hide his dislike for the fact that Maverick was here.

"Well, I just wanted to introduce him as my boyfriend to you," I said quickly.

Neither my father nor Rose said anything in response. They just sat in shock.

"We've been dating for a while, and we finally decided to go public. I didn't want you guys to find out through a magazine," I said. Rose nodded with a smile, finally having regained her composure.

"I'm glad to hear that you've found someone, Emerson, and you've chosen quite the looker," Rose said. I smiled, heat rushing to my cheeks. She turned towards Maverick. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Maverick."

"The pleasure's mine, Mrs. Smith," Maverick said.

"Rose is fine," she told him. He nodded.

"Emerson was so nervous the entire drive here," Maverick revealed. Him and Rose looked over at me with a smile, and I quickly forced a smile through my nerves.

My father hasn't said a word, and I couldn't read his expression. I was about to freak out if he didn't say anything.

"I think I'm going to go use the restroom," I said, standing up and putting the napkin back onto the table.

"I'll join you," Rose said before I could walk away.

I forced a smile and nodded before starting to walk towards the restroom across the restaurant. I was trying to escape the awkwardness.

I stepped into the bathroom and immediately leaned against the counter. The second the door clicked shut, Rose spoke.

"What's wrong, Emerson?" I took a deep breath.

"Why isn't Dad saying anything? I've been stressing about this all week, and I figured that I'd get my answer the second we sat down. He still hasn't said anything, and I can't even read his expressions," I rambled. "I'm just so nervous. Doesn't he know how nervous I am?"

"He's just processing," she said. "He wasn't prepared to be meeting your boyfriend when we came to the restaurant."

"He's taking too long to process," I said, turning around and wiping my face with my hands as I leaned against the counter.

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