Chapter Eleven: Telling Our Parents

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We were about five months along, and Maverick and I decided we should tell our parents. I wasn't nervous at all, which was out of character, but I couldn't even stress myself out if I tried.

I stood in front of the mirror, my hands on my pregnant stomach. The dark red dress I was wearing showed the bump quite prominently, and I loved it. Maverick and I decided not to find out what the gender was. It was an ongoing joke now because Maverick was dead-set on the baby being a girl, but I just felt like it was going to be a boy.

Maverick approached and wrapped his arms around me, his hands on my stomach. I smiled at him in the mirror before turning to face him and kissing him sweetly.

"We should probably get to the restaurant," he said. I nodded with a smile before grabbing my purse off the bed.

We went down to the car, and there were still no signs of nerves whatsoever. All I felt was excitement for our families to know about the pregnancies.

I doubted that my father would be that angry about it. I mean, sure, he probably wasn't the most excited about us being pregnant out of wedlock,(add in the fact that he thinks we've only been dating for nine months when I feel like our relationship started long before then) but I think he'd be happy. Also, this would be the first grandchild that he'd know about before Mom, and this would be the first grandchild that he'd be able to visit in the hospital after delivery. And I had no doubts about Rose being happy, too.

"Do you want to be the one to tell everyone?" Maverick asked me. I smiled and shrugged.

"It doesn't matter to me," I said. "I just can't wait for them to know."

He smiled.

"Me neither," he said. I kissed him sweetly before realizing that we were at the restaurant.

Maverick got out and opened my car door for me, and I stepped out. He wrapped his arm around me as we walked into the restaurant. We got there early to ensure that we were there before our parents.

We walked up to the maître d', and he smiled up at us.

"How can I help you today?" he asked. I smiled while Maverick spoke.

"Reservation for Maverick West." The maître d' checked his list before smiling up at us.

"Right this way, Mr. and Mrs. West," he said, leading us further into the restaurant. He stopped at a round six-person table before telling us that our server would be arriving soon and leaving.

Maverick and I sat down, and I opened the menu.

"You know, that's the fifth time that's happened, and you haven't corrected it once," Maverick commented. I looked at him confused as I ran through everything that just happened a few times.

Mrs. West.

A blush painted my cheeks.

"You haven't corrected it either," I pointed out. He looked down at his menu with an amused smile.

"I wasn't complaining," he said in a teasing tone. "No need to get defensive."

I just rolled my eyes at him. He took my right hand on top of the table, and I smiled, shaking my head.

Not too much time later, my father and Rose approached the table with smiles. Dad sat next to me, kissing the top of my head, and Rose sat down on the other side of him, just offering me a smile. I returned it, which seemed to make her smile wider for some reason.

"It's good to see you again, Maverick," Dad said, offering his hand to Maverick for a handshake. Maverick smiled and shook his hand.

"You too, Mr. Smith."

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