Chapter Fourteen: A New Secretary

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I've been on maternity leave for three and a half months so far.  Maverick returned to work two weeks ago, and it's been a bit rough, but it's getting easier.  He's also been staying a bit longer than I expected him to, but it's fine because that's just because he's the CEO...


I shook my head, dispelling the thoughts.

"Hey, my little Lovebug," I cooed, lightly tracing circles on her cheek.  She gave a big toothless smile.  I smiled.

I rocked her in the rocker awhile, hoping that she'd fall asleep after a while.  She didn't.

"You need to take a nap, Lovebug," I said.  She just smiled up at me.  I sighed, not being able to stop a smile from taking over my lips. "Maybe you'll fall asleep in the car.  Should we go visit Daddy, Lovebug?"

She smiled up at me, and I bounced her gently before standing up and laying her on the changing table.  After I changed her, I took her into my bedroom and laid her down in the middle of the bed, so I could change into a black pencil skirt and a dark blue button up shirt.  I brushed my hair quickly before putting Miriam into her car seat.

I took her down and put her into the car before driving towards West Incorporated.  I dialed Maverick's work number through the car system.

"You've reached West Incorporated.  Please dial the number for your extension," a robotic voice on the other end said.  The robotic voice listed the departments connected to each number, and I dialed the one that patched me through to Maverick.

After less than a second of ringing, someone picked up.

"You've reached Maverick's office, how can I assist you?" a feminine voice said from the other end.  Off-put from the woman answering, I struggled to piece together a coherent thought.

"Um- I was just wondering if he was in a meeting," I said.

"He's in a meeting now, but it's getting wrapped up now," she said.  I nodded. "Is that all, Ma'am?"

I realized that nodding did nothing.

"Yes, thank you," I said before hanging up.  I looked into the rear view at Miriam's face that was reflecting off the mirror on the head rest of the seat.

Her lip was quivering, and I knew she was about to start crying.  I frowned.

"Oh, Lovebug, we're here," I said, hoping she won't start crying.  I parked the car and unbuckled myself before hurrying around the car to Miriam's door.

I grabbed the car seat and cooed at her as I carried her inside.  She still looked on the verge of tears, but she wasn't, yet.

The reception desk was empty, so I just sat down in one of the chairs, setting Miriam down beside me.  I leaned over and tried making funny faces at her to keep her from crying.  She smiled and lifted her arms before dropping them again.

"There's your perfect little smile, Lovebug," I cooed.  She smiled, toothless, and I smiled, gently rubbing my thumb over her arm.

"Oh, Ms. Smith," a feminine voice said, shocked.  I looked up from Miriam towards the hall that led back to Maverick's office.  My eyes widened when I saw the beautiful black haired woman that was standing there.  I didn't recognize her. "I didn't realize you'd arrived."

She walked to the receptionist desk.  I stood up.

"What can I do for you?" she asked, sitting down.

"Is Maverick available?" I asked, uneasily.  She clicked onto something, and I awkwardly waited, looking back down at Miriam.

Her eyes filled with tears, and I lifted her and shushed her quietly.

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