Tips & Tricks For Being a Successful Shoplifter - The Stolls ft. Cabin 11

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Taken from Cabin 11, on 1st January 2015 (wow I keep putting a 4 at the end). If anything on this list is attempted, you are responsible for the consequences of your actions, and the demigods take no responsibility for jail time, public service or screaming parents.

Connor Stoll - Bold
Travis Stoll - Itallics
Other Cabin 11 Campers - normal, with names. Apparently not last names though, as we were no provided with those (glares at correspondent)

Tips & Tricks For Being a Successful Shoplifter - The Stolls ft. Cabin 11

So fellow Cabin 11 campers of the future, have you ever wondered exactly how your siblings of the past managed to carry out so many successful robberies? Not really, Travis. We're swag enough to do it on our own. - Demi

Well wonder no more! Connor we already said we weren't wondering. - Nathalia Shut up. Bitch no - Natalia What did Chiron say about your potty mouths? Like you're one to talk - Demi

Ignore them. Anyway, so we have put together a helpful list of tips and tricks to get away with robberies and release your inner shoplifter! Imagine it like Micheal Angelo - Max |Think you spelt that wrong -Nathalia |You're picking away at the outer shell or rock to reveal the shoplifter/statue within! And go away Nath - Max|. How the hades do you know that? - Cecil |Skill that you would never have. - Max


NO! - all other members of the Hermes cabin.

Okay, let's just get onto the tips here.

- Never steal more than you need. Never anything more. This is a mistake made by many amateur shoplifters |I saw you doing that last week Connor. You took nine packs of Twinkies. You know we only need seven to last a week - Gabby| Oh shut up. If you take more than you need, you may end up attracting more attention to yourself. What's the saying, guys?


Exactly. Couldn't of put it better myself. Dude you came up with it... - Lucas

- As much fun as they are, avoid using explosives unless absolutely necessary. Yeah, I'm pretty sure they weren't completely necessary when we had that 'educational day trip' to Ikea. - Gabby

- Think of creative places to hide good! Guys, list now!
For small items, at the end of your socks where your toes are! - Gabby
In a false bottom of your shoe - Cecil
In your bra, security can't check there without getting arrested - Natalia |That only works for the females, just to clarify. Don't try it if you are of the male population. You'll get judged immensely.|
Wear a convincing wig and under there! - Demi
Palm the flat small items - Nathalia
I'm sure you lot will think if more later. So moving on.

- BE CONFIDENT! This is something you all must master. Don't walk out of there looking nervous or fidgety. Put on your casual face and smile and wish security a good day on your way out!

- Have a receipt from previous actual purchases on hand, just in case.

- Work out where the security cameras are, and their patterns so you can stay out of sight. After all if no one sees you, were you really there in the first place?

- When you hide items, make sure you don't do it too obviously such as just lifting your hat up and putting it under. Be sneaky. Bend to tie your shoe lace and slip something into your shoe - Lucas

Other Cabin 11 members, got something to add?

- Sometimes the best place to hide something is in plain sight! Slip a necklace around your neck, or a bracelet or watch on your wrist. While walking out pull a stolen phone out of your pocket and use it! - Nathalia

- If caught, lie through your teeth, and act younger than you are. If you act it well enough, they'll believe you. - Cecil
|"Oh my god! I totally did not put that there! I mean I might of, accidentally, like on my way to the counter, but I never meant to - oh my god! Am I gonna be in trouble?" - Demi. | Tears are also good - Mel

- Disable security cameras by flicking paint at the screen part. Make sure your aim is perfect though, otherwise you'll get caught, and purposely aiming ink at a camera is not something you can easily get off for. - Lucas Also, Don't forget that practise camera targets are located in Cupboard 13 in the Hermes Cabin.

- DISTRACTIONS! - Cecil Yep that's what explosives are good for. They allow you to slip unnoticed into the shop, and unnoticed out.

Well, we hope this quick list was useful. Of course there are many, many, many other tips we could've shared, but we're sure you'll work them out yourself. Good luck, and happy Pranking!

- Cabin 11 OUT!

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