Fake Boyfriend

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You pace in your room at the Avengers tower. Loki knocks on your door. “Yes?” you say, continuing to pace. “It’s Loki. Thor is trying to find me. Since I have this stupid bracelet I can’t hide with magic. Is there any way you would allow me to hide in your room?” Loki calls through the door. You stop pacing as you listen to Loki’s silky voice. “Yes. Come on in,” you say. Loki opens the door and walks in staying just inside the door. “Thank you, lady (Y/n). Thor won’t look in a lady’s bedroom.” You stare at the handsome man in front of you. “Of course,” you mumble. “Loki!” Thor yells as he runs past. “I owe you,” Loki says before slipping out the door. 

You lay down on your bed. ‘Maybe he would go with me… Loki did say he owes me,' you think. You get up and walk to Loki’s room. You knock on his door. “Go away!” Loki says. “I would except you owe me,” you respond. “Come in, (Y/n).” You walk into Loki’s room. “My parents hold this family gathering every year. This year my mom said I couldn’t come alone. I was wondering if you could come as my “boyfriend”? Since you owe me and all,” you say, using air quotations when you say boyfriend. “Sure. When?” You try to hide your shock. “Tomorrow at noon.” Loki nods. “I’ll be outside your door at 11:30.”  “Thank you, Loki,” you say before going back to your room. 


Loki knocks on your door at exactly 11:30. You open your door to find Loki in regular Midgardian clothes. (Blue jeans and a green button-up.) “Are you ready?” Loki asks softly. “Yes.” Loki offers you his arm. You take it and he leads you out of the tower. You drive to your parents’ house. Loki takes your hand as you’re walking up the steps to the house. You ring the bell. Your mom opens the door. “(Y/n)!” Your mom hugs you. “Hi, mom.” Your mom pulls away. “You actually brought a man,” your mom exclaims. “You said to.” Your mom looks Loki up and down. “I didn’t think you actually would!” You roll your eyes. “Mom, this is my boyfriend Loki. Loki, this is my mom,” you introduce. Loki shakes your mom’s hand. “Well, come on in. Your dad’s dying to see you.” 

You walk in. “(D/n)! (Y/n)’s here and she brought a man!” your mom yells. Your dad walks into the living room from the kitchen and hugs you. The doorbell rings and your mom goes to answer the door. “I’m (D/n),” your dad introduces himself to Loki. “I’m Loki. It’s nice to finally meet you, sir. (Y/n) speaks very highly of you.” Loki shakes your dad’s hand. “Aren’t you the guy who attacked New York?!” your dad exclaims. “He was under mind control and he’s now working with the Avengers to show he’s changed,” you butt in. 

Your brother and mom walk into the room. “Mom said you brought a man. I thought she was joking. It appears I was wrong,” your brother says. Loki wraps an arm around your waist pulling you closer to him. You stick your tongue out at your brother. Your brother introduces himself to Loki and vise versa. 

The rest of your insane family arrive and everyone makes a comment about you actually having a boyfriend before introducing themselves to Loki. When everyone’s there you eat and then sit down in the living room. You fight the urge to rest your head on Loki’s shoulder. Everyone’s absorbed in their own private conversations so Loki asks, “Why is it so hard to believe you have a boyfriend?” You laugh a little. “Because I’ve never had one before. No guys are ever interested in me.” Loki nods. “The men of this world are stupid,” Loki comments while tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear. “What do you mean?” you ask stupidly. “I mean you’re beautiful inside and out.” “Thank you, Loki,” you whisper. Loki looks off to the side avoiding your eyes. You lay your head on Loki’s shoulder. 

After the party, you drive to the tower in silence. Loki walks you to your room. “Thank you so much, Loki. You’re an awesome boyfriend.” Loki looks from your eyes to your lips. “May I kiss you?” Loki asks in a whisper. You stand there stunned for a moment. “Yes, please do,” you finally answer. Loki leans down and kisses you softly before pulling away. “Would you consider being my real girlfriend?” Loki asks. “I’ve taken a long time to consider this matter. I have come up with an answer that I hope will please you. My answer is yes,” you answer the moment Loki finished talking. 


Thank you so much for reading. I hope you enjoyed! I know that that idea has been done a lot but I wanted to take a stab at it. If there's anything you'd like to see me do please feel free to comment or pm me. Love y'all!

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