chapter 2: I command thee to change

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Shinsou pov:

I walk into my new dorm to be shocked. Sitting on a bed in the far corner of the room was the adorable blonde canine I had ran into earlier. Just my luck...

"Hey shinsou! Looks like we're roommates! That's so exciting right?" He said, the pure joy radiating from him was intoxicating.

I grunted in response and lazily wondered over to my bed. I plopped onto my plain bed and dropped the box I was carrying onto the floor.

Denki had already made himself at home and was now sitting on his bed, texting someone. My interest quickly subsided as I focused my attention on the small box on the floor. I opened it and began to unpack.

I took out all my clothes and folded them neatly into the dresser against the wall. I dug around the box to find a picture frame of me and my family.

 I was tempted to put it up but I realised that denki would know I was related to the teachers

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I was tempted to put it up but I realised that denki would know I was related to the teachers. Dad specifically told me not to tell anyone so I held the frame to my chest, careful not to let him see the picture inside, and tucked the family photo under my clothes.

Sighing, I fell back onto my bed closing my eyes. The sensation of sleep crept up but just before the warm blanket of unconciousness could surround me I was interrupted.

"Hey? You awake shinsou?" The canine asked.

I let out a frustrated sound and peeled my eyes open. I immediately missed the warmth of my soon to be slumber.

I pried myself up and leant my back against the wall glaring at the boy opposite me.

"What do you want pikachu?" I asked plainly, obviously frustrated.

His eyes softened as he saw my frustration and he spoke a lot quieter.

"O-oh...dory for waking you Bro. But do you know tomorrow?" He asked quickly picking up his energy again.

I shook my head slightly and urged him to carry on.

"Oh well tomorrow it's henkaku no hi."

Oh I totally forgot. Tomorrow is the day when we have to transform into out animal form for the whole day and take part in activities and training. I make an 'O' with my mouth and nod. Tomorrow I get to see everyone's animal form and see their true forms...I'm kinda excited but I'd never let that show. I give him my usual bored expression and quickly pull out a pair of pj's from my dresser.

I slip into the bathroom to change and come out wearing grey sweatpants and a purple tank top.

As I walk toward my bed I take a quick glance at denki who seemed to be staring at me. As soon as he saw my gaze, he averted his eyes and quickly pulled the covers up to his shoulders. I did the same and turned to face the wall.

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