chapter 23: hes been here all along

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Shinsou pov:

"Hey did deku show up at the hospital yesterday?" I asked as everyone stirred awake.

"Hmm?" Mina hummed, rubbing her eyes.

"Well, I bumped into deku on the stairs like you all saw and he said you guys chased him out of the hostpital and wouldnt let him see me." I shrugged.

I honestly didnt care whether or not they did, and I would personally thank them for getting rid of him.

"What? He said that?! We didnt do that at all!" Mina snapped, appalled by the accusation.

"THAT FUCKING LIAR!" Bakugo yelled, making bolt groan and try to push his ears down with his paws.

"Babe calm down-" kirishima sat up yawning and placed a hand on bakugos cheek making him blush and shut up.

There was a bang at the door followed by annoyed shouting.

"Yall its fucking 7am, I cant deal with your shit right now so keep it down!" The girl I recognised as jiriou shouted, making us snicker.

"Sorry about her! Babe, c'mon." The last part was quiter but we still heard.

"Wait- insecurity goddess and JIRIOU are dating?!" Bakugo asked surprised.

"DID YOU JUST CALL MY GIRLFRIEND INSECTURITY GODDESS?!" The door bust in and Jiriou stormed in seething.

"Babe hes joking-" momo tried to sooth her girlfriend but failed.

"Hey I'd take it as a compliment. He called her a goddess. He must think shes pretty then." Mina said smiling.

"Back off bitch. Shes mine." Jiriou playfully narrowed her eyes and started dragging her girlfriend out.

"Thanks for the compliment I guess!" Momo said before the door slammed.

"I dont want her I'm fucking gay-" bakugo deadpanned.

We all chuckled before mina chased us out saying she needed to get ready. I started walking to my dorm to notice bolt following me.

"Hm you seem to like me alot huh?" I asked, watching him look up at me and blink. "Strange...I mean kami always said I have a way with cats so maybe that's why." I shrugged getting closer to my dorm.

I walked in and whined at how loud bolt was meowing at me.

"Dude I cant understand cat." I said rolling my eyes with a chuckle.

I took off my shirt and threw in a basket and searching through my draws for a shirt. A distressed meow came from behind me so I turned.

Bolt was sitting there staring at me.

"Dude are you gay?" I asked laughing at bolts reaction. The cats mouth dropped and it started meowing constantly like I could understand it.

"I dont understand you." I said sighing while smiling. "I hope you are a stray, I dont want to give you away." I said frowning, earning a comforting purr from bolt.

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