chapter 25: kamis back!

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Kaminari pov:

The last thing I remember was feeling a sharp pain in my neck before everything went black.

My eyes slowly fluttered open and I blinked a few times to get a good look at my surroundings. I was in a dorm room- but not my own. The bed was dark purple and there were about a million different cushions on it along with 3 empty cups with brown liquid remains- coffee? Yeah this is definetly hitoshis dorm room.

As if on que, the door at the far side of the room gently opened and in walked my tall purple insomniac boyfriend.

"Kami your awake-" he had a soft smile.

I quickly lunged off the bed and pounced at the boy infront of me, wrapping my arms around his neck and burying my face in his purple sweater.

Hitoshi seemed a little dazed at first but then I felt the comforting feeling of his arms wrap around my waist and he nuzzled into me.

"I missed you, hitoshi!" I mumbled into the soft fluffy purple sweater as I felt his chest rise slightly as he chuckled.

"I missed you too babe." He said, I quickly pulled my face away and glared at him, still having my arms wrapped around his waist.

"What? Dont like the nickname~" he teased as I pouted, feeling the tips of my ears burn.

"Shut up." I said, returning to hiding my face into my boyfriends hoodie.

I could basically feel the smile radiating  from my boyfriends face as we stood in his dorm room, latched onto eachother like we would never see eachother again.

"Okay I think it's time for you to get something to eat."

Toshis gently voice made me peel away from his chest and nod in agreement. As we walked down the hallways and towards the stairs, I immediately missed the warm touch of my boyfriend so I shuffled closer to him and let out hands brush together.

"Real smooth kami." Toshi said as he chuckled and laced his fingers around mine. I smiled contently as we walked towards the common room holding hands.

"I hope bakugo made something since neither of us can cook for shit." I said, earning a warm chuckle from beside me.

"I can cook..." he said trailing off. I raised a brow.

"Oh yeah? What can you cook?" I smirked.

"...okay I cant, but I can make coffee which is good enough." He smiled, looking proud of himself as I rolled my eyes and pecked a small kiss on his cheek.

"Okay well you can make me some coffee." I smiled as I watched the corner of his lips tug higher.

Toshi led me to the kitchen and we sat down on the stools, contently watching bakugo fry an egg aggressively.

"Okay eat bitches!" Bakugo called out, instantly grabbing the attention of a crowd of students who all swarmed the kitchen basically drooling.

Shinsou managed to grab us some food before everyone took it all and we sat on the sofa enjoying the eggs and bacon.

"Denki! Your back!"

I turned around, licking my lips to where the girls stood smiling.

"Yeah I'm back! So get ready for all the memes to come back!" I flashed them my closed eye smile which ururaka returned, momo just nodded politely with a small smile and jiriou threw up her fingers in a peace sign.

I returned my attention back to my feline boyfriend sitting beside me on the couch.

"So what happened to toga?" I asked curiously. Toshis head lifted slightly as he looked at me.

"Oh right. After she injected you, she sort of vanished in a portal." He shrugged.

"Did she say anything?"

"Uh...oh yeah she did. Something about needing to return to her family. I'm assuming she was referring to the villains."

I nodded as hitoshi grabbed out plates and balanced them on the mountain of dirty dishes mumbling "oh fuck no if you think I'm washing those."

The rest of the day was normal, all the students glad I was back- except some of the obvious ones. *cough* deku *cough*.

"Oh so your back now huh?" Deku said smiling at me. It wasnt his usual pure smile,it looked fake.

"Yeah I'm back. Is that a problem?"

"Oh not at all. I just wouldnt want your little heart broken is all denki-kun." He shrugged.

"And why would my heart be broken deku?" I asked raising a brow.

"Oh because while you were gone shin shin cheated on you-"

"Dont lie to-"

"With me."

I stared at the boy before me in disbelief. Could hitoshi really do something like that? A small pain stung in my chest as my gaze never faltered from deku. No he wouldnt. I was with him the entire time anyways...well, after a few days of being alone in the alleyway anyways...that could have been when-

"Hey kami, I was thinking we could head to the-....what's wrong?" Shinsou ran over to me and grabbed my cheek comfortingly.

"Deku said that-"

"Oh? I'm coming todoroki-kun!" Deku quickly ran off even though todoroki didnt call for him.

"He said you cheated on me..."


(An: I just binge watched banana fish and OH GOD IM BROKEN RN-)

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