chapter 11: party

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Shinsou pov:

The next morning, I woke up to a small flash which slowly pried my eyes open.

"What the hell-?" I mumbled as i propped myself up with my elbows. Mina and ururaka were standing at the end of my bed holding their phones. There were a few other girls at the doorway peeking in giggling too.

"You two make such a good couple~" ururaka gushed with a hand to her mouth in awe. I felt the heat rush to my cheeks as I corrected her.

"Uh were not a couple-" I started but was cut of by a lots of laughter and snorting. I sighed.

"What's so funny?" I asked with a bored expression.

"PAH- your just friends *snort* right?" Mina asked between laughter. I nodded hesitantly. She burst into more laughter as she fell to the floor bringing a breathless ururaka with her. I sighed as I plopped back down on my pillow and snuggled into the warm teddy-like thing beneath me. After a few minutes, the girls hopped up and shoved their bright ass phones in my face.

"Ow- get it awa..." I started until I saw the picture on their phones. It was me sleeping with drool with a large wolf cradling me. I immediately glanced down to see a sleeping canine in animal form laying beside me with his head on my chest. My face must've lit up because the girls couldnt STOP fangirling.

The noise must have woken bakugo up because loud explosions could be heard being muffled behind the walls getting closer. Suddenly, the girls at the doorway scattered and the door burst open to reveal an angry blonde, with disheveled clothes and some purple Marks across his neck.

"WOULD YOU KEEP IT DOWN FUCKERS!" He screams as smaller explosions erupted from his palms. Mina strolled over to him and started poking his neck. This made him angrily blush as he shoved her away and stormed off.

I rolled my eyes and noticed some shuffling beneath me. I peeked down to see a large wolf with golden eyes staring at me, his nose almost touching mine. In my mind, it was irrelevant that there were 2 giggling girls gawking over...all I could focus on was the speckles of brown in his golden eyes and how his fur parted when his eyes twitched.

"-ver boyyyy~ hello? Are you listening?!" A feminine voice snapped.

I blinked in confusion and turned my focus to the pink fluffy butterfly.

"Sorry what?" I asked staring up at her. She groaned and waved her arms in the air.

"I saaiiiddd we should go to a party tonight. Jiriou is throwing one in the common room tonight. All class 1a Is invited." She said jumping around excitedly.

I looked at denki and he nodded his head, which ended up making his snout hit me In the face.

"Eur- kami!" I said holding a hand to my nose as I laughed. His ears slightly drooped and his nose wiggled.

"Oh it's okay! I was joking." I said as I sat up and began to scratch behind his ears. His ears immediately pointed up and his tail wagged frantically, knocking all the sheets of the bed. I laughed as he shoved his face into my chest in pleasure as his foot tapped the bed like a bunny.

Then yellow fog clouded my vision for a brief second before I saw the laughing denki laying on top of me.

"*cough* still for mates *cough*" and with that the girl scrolled out shouting:

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