chapter 20: found them

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Shinsou pov:

I crouched down low and slowly crept forward with everyone beside me. Mina had texted the UA staff saying we need backup and that we found the villains hide out. Of course dad insisted we wait for them to get there and dont make any moves but we all knew that as soon as they got here they were just going to send us away.

So we started slowly searching the perimeter of the abandoned bar and we all discovered the mountain of new scents. We made a plan together.

I watched protectively as mina used her wings and gently fluttered into the air to get a better view. She was careful incase anyone was guarding the roof but it was empty. She whistled which was the signal and one by one she helped carry us onto the roof.

I was the last one to be carried onto the roof and I gasped as wrapped her arms around my waist from behind and I felt my feet leave the ground. My paws were dangling in the air and I tried my hardest to contain my whimpers of fear as we flew slightly higher.

I sighed in relief as my paws gently landed on the roof.

"Okay can you see anything?" I whispered.

Bakugo cautiously glanced around and purred ever so slightly, telling me he found something. I nodded and even though kirishima and mina couldnt understand us they carefully followed.

We tiptoed across the roof and towards where the lion was peeking over.

"Dont speak." He growled in a whisper and I shook my head to the others, hoping they would get the message. It seemed to work because neither of them spoke as we edged closer to bakugo.

The lion was hesitantly leaning his head towards a small grate in the roof. Through the small metal gaps,I could see a vent big enough for us to fit through in human form.

I closed my eyes and easily transformed as mina flapped her wings to spread the purple smoke away so it wouldnt be noticed. The others followed my lead and transformed, the splashes of colour dancing on the rooftop.

"We need to go through the vents carefully. We have no idea who or what is in there so be prepared to fight okay?" I asked slightly louder as the wind picked up.

Everyone nodded as me and bakugo gently but firmly picked up the grate and place it to the side carefully.

We all sent worried glances toward eachother and sat in silence for a few minutes, all of us too scared to go first.

"Ugh I'll do it." I said rolling my eyes and slowly laying against the concrete. I glances up and everyone sent me a reassuring look.

"Be careful. Were right behind you." Kiri said smiling.

"Dont fuck this up." Bakugo said which I translated to 'be careful'.

I took a deep breathe before sliding my body into the tight metal tunnels. The silver walls pushing my shoulders together and restricting air to my lungs slightly. I gasped for air and a small gush of cold air entered my lungs. As I shuffled slowly through the metal vents, my collostraphobia made sweat run down my neck and take deep breaths.

It's okay. Breathe. Your doing this for kami.

I repeated this in my head and took a large inhale through my nose and powered through. I heard shuffles behind me and a grunt so I immedistelt turned my head worried.

It was just bakugo, kirishima must have accidentally nudged him in the forehead or something cause he had a small red mark on his head. I rolled my eyes and kept shuffling with kiri close behind and bakugo and mina hot on his tail.

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