chapter 17: i am NOT drinking that.

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Shinsou pov:

"Let's begin!" Mina yelled excited.

She pushed the table to the side and placed her phone on the floor. She waved her hands around, motioning for us to gather round. Everyone sat in a circle around the phone, the glass full of a vomit like substance in the middle,beside a few shot glasses.

"Okay who wants to spin the wheel?" Mina asked. It didnt make a difference anyways so she did it.

Everyone watched in anticipation as the digital hand swung around the board, finnaly stopping.

"Oo~ who was your first kiss?" Mina said glancing up smirking.

"So who goes first?" Momo asked.

"We will go around the circle and if you dont want to answer, take a shot of...that." mina said gagging.

"Well mine was hagaruke..." mina said losing her smile.

"Mine was jirio." Momo said smiling slightly.

"Momo." Jirio said shrugging.

"Some random girl when I was younger." Bakugo said earning curious glances. "It was a dare and I didnt know I was gay." He shrugged.

"Bakugo." Kiri said smiling a little.

"Shinsou." Kami said.

"...deku..." I said internally gagging. You could see the look of disgust and regret on my face as some people laughed slightly. Kami just huffed beside me so I leaned beside him and kissed his cheek.

"Next!" Mina yelled smiling. She clicked the button on her phone and the wheel started spinning again.

Mina started cackling and held a hand to her mouth.

"What is it?!" Bakugo snapped after a few minutes of uncontrollable laughter.

"Are you a virgin?~" she said between laughter. Everyone in the room groaned and blushed.

"Mina you need to go first anyways." Kirishima said smirking. Mina shrugged.

"No." She said. People raised their eyebrows.

"Whooo?~" kami said giggling.

"...sero." she said her smile fading quickly. "Momo?" She said, trying to get the attention off of her.

"Uh yes" she said blushing slightly.

"Me too." Jirio said soon after.

The room was silent for a few seconds."bakugo your turn." Mina said smirking.

Bakugo groaned.

"I'd rather drink that." He said.

"Bro I'm not drinking that so they're gonna find out anyways." Kirishima said.

"Drink it ei."

"No. I am definetly not putting that anywhere near my mouth." Kirishima said firmly.

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