chapter 12: confession

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Shinsou pov:

"I dare kiss me." My ex said with an innocent smile.

The room went deadly silent as I stared at the boy with disbelief.

"I'm sorry...what?" I asked, not wanting to beleive him. He repeated it with a shrug.

"It wont mean anything...unless you want it to of course." He smirked as todoroki moved uncomfortable beside him.

"Uh midoriya maybe you should pick another da-" todoroki started but was cut off by a glare.

"Oh so everyone else has to do the dare but not SHINSOU? Whys that?" He asked with raised eyebrows.

I stay frozen to my spot on the ground while clenching my fists. I exhaled as I glanced at denki to see him messing with his shirt uncomfortably. The silence was soon overwhelmed by arguing.

"Deku you bastard-"

"Pick something else."

"Let's just move on..."

"Ugh just get it over with please."

I groaned as I shuffled towards deku angrily.

"It doesnt fucking mean anything. Got it?!" I asked glaring at him. He hummed in response as I quickly crashed our lips together then pulled away with a scowl. I attempted to shuffle away but was pulled back into another kiss. Deku had grabbed a handful of my sweater and kissed me again.

I pushed him away and crashed into the middle of the circle wiping my mouth.

"What the fuck?!" I yelled at him. He just shrugged innocently as he stared at me. I growled as I went back to my spot on the cold wooden floor beside denki.

I tilted my head slightly to look at denki and he was just staring in the middle of hr circle where I had fell a couple seconds ago. His eyes were glistening and his eyebrows were furrowed slightly as he gulped and took a deep breathe.

I wanted to comfort him and let him know it didn't mean anything... I placed my hand ontop of his and gently rubbed his knuckles softly. His breathe hitched as his head snapped to out hands. He turned his hand upside down, letting me intertwine out fingers. The loud blonde gently shuffled towards me and rested his head on my shoulder as I smiled softly. I titled my head to rest it on his and felt hid soft fluffy hair against my cheek.

"Okay SHINSOU your turn. Ask someone." Mina said with a small smile.

"Okay uhh...todoroki truth or dare." I said.

"Truth?" He asked warily.

"Answer truthfully, how do you feel about deku?" I asked using my quirk.

His monotone face kept the same expression as he answered.

"I love him. He seems so perfect to me, hes cute, kind and smart but I know he would never see me like that." He said blankly.

Usually there would be a few giggles but everyone just looked sad because as he said that, deku shuffled away slightly looking disgusted.

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