Chapter 5 - Let Her Run

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It had been three months and Allison loved her life in the Glade.

She made amazing friends like Newt, Minho, Ben, Frypan, Nick and Alby. She also managed to gain respect from every Glader, aside from Gally, who still believed that she was dangerous to keep in the Glade. She never allowed Gally's comments to get to her, because she knew he was wrong. No matter what he said, or what he did, she knew he was wrong. However, she did understand why he was worried, because if the roles were reversed, she had to admit that she would be a bit sceptical too.

Despite the amazing family she had in the Glade, there was still one thing that bugged her every day.

Two halves.

That cursed note plagued her thoughts every waking moment, no matter how hard she tried to push them back. It was almost as if she was meant to figure out where the other half was and what it meant, but, although she would never admit it, she was scared. She was scared that Gally was right. What if this note meant that she was indeed sent up to cause trouble for the Gladers? She knew she wouldn't be able to live with herself if anything happened to them. It would crush her to know that their downfall was all her fault. She had to protect them; no matter how scared she was for herself. She would be there for Ben, for Alby, for Nick, for Frypan, for Minho, for Newt...

Speaking of Newt, she didn't think there was a person more suited for her. She was loud, hot-headed and witty. He was calm, level-headed and honest. They were best friends, but deep down, Allison wanted more than that. She knew she wanted more than friendship from the moment she saw him in the Box when she first arrived, but she thought it was ridiculous. She was convinced that she knew nothing about Newt, but the more time she spent with him, the more familiar he felt. It got to a point here she felt she knew him better than she knew herself, and it terrified her...


It must have been the early hours of the morning when Allison was woken up. She heard familiar voices, but had to force herself to open her eyes too figure out who they were. She sat up in her hammock and turned to see Alby, Ben and Minho all having a heated conversation a few metres away from her.

"I don't know what you want me to do, Minho!" Alby whisper-yelled. "If there's no one to run with you then you can't go into the maze!"

Minho sighed heavily. "Seriously? We've been stuck here for nearly two years. What if missing this one time means we miss out on the key to getting out of here?"

"Why can't one of the other Gladers go with Minho?" Ben asked, hissing at his wrapped up ankle as he tried to move it. Allison remembered he had twisted it the previous night and it was currently in a bandage, and there were no other runners.

Alby rested his head in his hands briefly before looking back up at the two runners. He opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by a weary, feminine voice.

"I'll go."

Alby, Ben and Minho all stared at her, mouths agape. She wasn't surprised by their immediate reactions in the slightest. Although she acted as the mother of the Gladers, they were all still very protective of her. Not to mention they all knew of her fear of the maze, so the fact that she offered to go was astonishing.

The boys exchanged glances before Minho stood up and approached Allison.

"Ali, it's fine. I'll get someone else to come with me."

Allison shook her head. "No. I need to get over my fear of the maze. If we get out of here I'm going to have to run through it anyway."

Minho's face softened as he turned to Alby and Ben. Alby was well aware of how stubborn Allison could be and he was in no mood to argue with her. It was far too early in the morning. However, Ben cared for her as if she were his sister and he didn't like the idea of her running through the dangers of the maze. No one questioned her physical abilities, because they knew she was fast and strong, but they were still scared for her.

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