Chapter 14 - Because That's What Family Does

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Allison gave Thomas the last cure they had, which he was very lucky survived the Griever attack. She had no doubt they would have been able to destroy it.

Once he was given the cure, Allison watched Gally whip everyone into a frenzy. He convinced them that Thomas and Teresa were the reason for the loss, the suffering, and pain they went through that night.

Soon after his little speech, Gally found Allison with an unconscious Thomas on the ground near where the Med-hut used to be. Now it was a pile of smoldering wood. She was staying with him to keep checking his temperature after bandaging up where he stabbed himself with a needle.

"I need Thomas. I'm putting him and Teresa into the pit."

Her head shot up, eyes wide. "Why?"

"For our own safety, Ali," Gally huffed. "They're the reason everything's been going wrong and we need to fix that."

"But they're not the only ones who could be responsible."

Gally tilted his head at her. "What are you talking about?"

"Do you have selective hearing?" Allison snapped. "Alby said I shouldn't be here too, so I could be just as responsible as Thomas and Teresa, if they even are responsible."

Gally sighed, understanding where she was coming from, but he had his own arguments. "Ali, you've had a whole year of being a Glader for something to go wrong and prove you don't belong, but nothing did. Things only got weird after they showed up. And even if Alby mentioned you, Ben didn't."

"That doesn't change the fact that we have no real proof that any of this is Thomas's fault."

"Not his fault? Look around!" Allison didn't need to. She knew the Glade was in ruins. "Listen, I don't wanna do this to you, but anyone who tries to go against me will be punished."

Allison sighed. Gally was too stubborn. She knew that no matter what she said or did, she wouldn't be able to talk Gally out of this. She stood, and allowed him to drag Thomas away without saying another word to her.


Newt found Allison standing by a tree, staring as the Baggers found bodies and carried them towards the Deadheads. Their names were being crossed off the wall to and with each scrap that echoed through the Glade, it made Allison squeeze her eyes shut, as if she were trying to block it out.

"Hey, darling," Newt greeted her with a forehead kiss. "What's on your mind?"

"Where's Alby?" She asked.

Newt's heart sank at that question and apparently, Allison only needed a moment's look at his expression before understanding what the answer was. She sighed and rest her head on his chest holding him by the waist.

"I'm sorry, love," he murmured.

"It's okay. We lost a lot of people today, and I think if we don't leave, we'll just keep losing more."

Newt ran a hand through her hair, which was dirty and tangled, but he didn't care. All he wanted was to make everything negative Allison was feeling disappear, and it pained him that he couldn't do something like that for her. Instead, he stood there, simply holding her, and reminding her that she wasn't alone in this. He couldn't do much, but he did everything that he could. Allison recognised this and she felt herself fall in love all over again.


The next morning, Allison was crouching by the pit between Newt and Minho, with Chuck on the other side of Minho. Thomas was still unconscious, and his head was resting on Teresa's lap. It took a short while, but eventually, he opened his eyes, his dilated pupils staring up at Teresa.

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