Chapter 16 - the Scorch Trials

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By the time the helicopter had landed, night had fallen. Thomas was asleep, as was a few other Gladers, but many were soon jolted awake by the rushed landing. Allison hadn't slept a wink. Her mind was replaying the horrific moments of seeing both Gally and Chuck pass away right in front of them, but soon her teary eyes grew dry, and she realised something. Chuck wouldn't want her, or any of them to feel like this. Both he and Gally would want them to rejoice in the fact that they had made it out. She didn't know what made her so confident in this, but she couldn't ignore that feeling in her gut. She was going to live her life, and do it for those who had fallen.

"Alright kids we gotta move quick!" a man yelled at him.

Allison and Newt shared a look before clambering out of the helicopter. They were met with a series of lights that lit up the desert-like terrain they were on. The guards were shouting something about 'cranks', and kept pushing them to run toward the ginormous warehouse that was a few hundred feet from them. With no other option, they ran. The gunshots that rang out made Allison nervous. What were they shooting at? She tried to focus on making it into the warehouse before asking herself any questions, after all, these men still got them out.

Once they dashed in, Thomas followed just before the doors slammed shut, guards still outside.

"Holy shit," Allison breathed.

They turned around and faced the inside of the warehouse. Adults were rushing around, most likely trying to deal with whatever was going on outside. Some of them were armed, some weren't. Some where in vehicles, and again, some weren't. Allison couldn't make sense of it all, but she didn't have to once an armed man began to usher the Gladers out of the room.

"Where are you taking us?" Thomas demanded.

"Somewhere safer," the man responded.

He led them into a separate room, and with no other choice, the Gladers herded in. He didn't say anything else before slamming the door shut letting it lock into place with a beep.

"Hey!" Thomas yelled. He ran up to the door and began hitting it helplessly.

"Guys, look."

Everyone turned at the sound of Winston's voice, and Teresa let out a small gasp at the sight. On the table was enough food to feed them three times over. There was, quite literally, everything. There was chicken, lamb, burgers, sandwiches, pizza, fruits, and sweeter things that Allison couldn't remember having, such as cupcakes. It was the first time Allison had cracked a smile in hours.

"Dibs on the rice!" Frypan announced

The Gladers had never moved faster. They all scrambled for literally any kind of food and shoved it into their mouths.

"This is way better than Frypan's slob!" Winston remarked deviously.

Allison's laughter at the comment earned her some attention. "I'm honestly surprised we managed to keep Allison away from food for as long as we did," Frypan commented.

Allison shot him a playful glare.

"That's true," Newt piped up. "Remember when you got so angry about missing breakfast, you threw a shoe at me?"

"In my defence, I was still on edge after coming out of the box only to see you, ugly shanks."

Everyone laughed and Newt threw and arms over her shoulder. "Oh, come on, I know you don't think I'm ugly."

Allison narrowed her eyes. "You're an exception."

"Hey!" Minho cried out. "You're just gonna ignore the most beautiful person in the room?"

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