Chapter 1

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(A/N: This is going to be a short book because I'm starting in the middle of Season 8, which is already a short season.)

Alex's P.O.V

I opened the doors of the boarding house. Stefan explained how he and Damon now work for the Devil and shit over the phone. I couldn't leave Hope and Shawn alone, so I brought them with me. Not to mention they begged me to do so. We walked in and the first person I saw was Stefan.

"Merry Christmas, Uncle Stefan!" Hope and Shawn yelled when they saw him. He bent down and they ran into his arms. I smiled as I placed my things down, including my brother's and kids' presents.

"Ohh! You guys have grown up so much. How old are you two now?" Stefan asked and they smiled then held up five fingers. "You're 5, oh my god, doesn't time just fly by." He said and I laughed, then nodded. For them, yes. Caroline came in and the kids then ran to her. She giggled as she said hello and gave them hugs in return. Stefan walked up to me and we hugged.

"I'm sorry about Klaus," Stefan said and I nodded.

"And I'm sorry I left you alone with Damon," I replied and we laughed. My brother and I pulled away, then Stefan took the kids up to their room. Caroline walked over and we hugged, then she filled me in on everything Stefan left out because apparently, he left out a lot.


I was sitting in the living room. Damon called me here and yet he's not here. I'm going to seriously kick his ass. Stefan was looking after Alaric's kids and mine, so the second I saw him I apologized. Alaric and Caroline were arguing and he was about to tell us something when...

"Ho, ho, ho!" Damon said as he opened up the door. "Merry Christmas, Ric." He looked at me as I stared at the girl clinging onto his arm. You must be Sybil. "Merry Christmas, Alex." I rolled my eyes.

"I'm going to kick your ass," I said to him and he frowned.

"Now that's not the Christmas spirit." He said and I laughed.

"I killed you," Ric said and I looked at him surprised.

"You did what now?!" I yelled and Damon smirked. Caroline and I shared a surprised look, and I proceeded to walk in front of Alaric.

"He deserved it," Alaric said.

"Oh, I'm sure he did, but still," I replied and Damon faked being hurt by my comment.

"Little sister, you wound me." I rolled my eyes at him and he smirked. "Yeah, he and Matt took a whack at me," Damon explained. So I have to yell at Matt too, great. "They even buried me. I can't tell you how hard it was to get all of that dirt out." He chuckled. "I know. I know. Christmas just got merry," He turned to me and went to hug me, but I pushed him away, knowing what was about to happen.

"5, 4, 3, 2..." I whispered to myself, then pointed behind him as my son came running into my view.

"Uncle Damon!" Shawn said and hugged his leg. Damon bent down and picked him up. He held Shawn on his waist and smiled.

"How's my favorite nephew?" My brother asked and I smiled.

"Even when working for the devil..." I mumbled and walked back over to the couch where I sat down. I closed my eyes only to feel someone tap my knee. I looked down to see Shawn. I looked at Damon and he smiled. Well, that was fast. "Yes," I said sweetly, so my son couldn't tell I was slightly annoyed with everyone in the room.

"Damon told me I could put the tree topper on the Christmas tree," Shawn said and I saw Stefan run in with Hope.

"Your kids are restless," Stefan said and I nodded.

"Tell me about it. By the way...tree topper?" I asked as I looked over at Damon. He just shrugged his shoulders at me.

"Come is tradition," Damon said, with a hint of mischief behind his voice.


Caroline was making eggnog while Damon hung out with the kids. I was supervising. It's not that I don't trust Damon, because I's just that I don't trust his little friend around my children, who was sitting in the chair across from me.

"Don't worry, I won't touch your kids," Sybil said to me. I watched her as she moved to sit next to me. "No matter what hold I have on your brother...I've been in his head. He loves those kids and you. So I made him a promise that I wouldn't harm either of you."

"And if you decide to break that promise?" I asked and she smiled.

"Then I'm assuming you'll kill me," Sybil said. "That's kind of impossible."

"Oh, you be shocked at what I can do when I'm determined," I said and smirked at her. She rolled her eyes before I walked over to Damon and the kids as they hung up the ornaments. "So, you and Sybil?"

"What about us? You don't approve." Damon said sarcastically and I shrugged.

"Something like that." I said and looked down at the kids. "How about you two go upstairs and help your Uncle Stefan?" They smiled and ran upstairs to Stefan. I walked back over to the sofa and looked at Caroline as she handed me my drink.

"Yours is mostly bourbon," Caroline said and I smiled at her.

"What would I do without you, Care?" I asked her and we laughed as I sat down next to Damon.

"Eggnog?" She asked Sybil and she took one. Then she turned to Damon and handed him one. "I didn't have time to poison it," Caroline said and I laughed at her.

"Well, you already poisoned the bourbon with milk and cinnamon, so..." Damon said and I hit his arm. Stefan came downstairs and walked over to us.

"Ric's gonna stay with the kids for a while," Stefan said and I nodded. Literally, other than Freya, Stefan and Alaric are the best babysitters ever.

"You don't have to hide them. I'm honoring the deal." Damon said and I looked at him. "I mean our sister isn't hiding her kids."

"I'm not hiding my kids because I know, no matter whatever hold this bitch has over you, you would rather die than hurt them. Not to mention if you did I would kill you over, and over, and over again until you just stopped coming back to life." I explained and he rolled his eyes.

"We work for Cade. Munchkins go unharmed." Damon said to us.

"Well, Alaric's not exactly in a trusting mood right now and, uh...neither am I," Stefan said and I nodded in agreement.

"See that's the shortened version of what I just said," I explained to Damon.

"My sister kidnapped them." Oh, so you have crazy siblings too! "I saved them from a life of serving Cade when I cosigned Damon's plan. So, put away your umbrella, Stefan. I don't need your shade. A simple thank you will suffice." Sybil said to him and I turned to Damon.

"This." I gestured to the room. "Was your plan?" I asked and he nodded. I waited a moment before hitting him over the hit. "Idiot."

"Thank you," Caroline said to her. We all looked at Caroline shocked, or at least I did. Caroline turned to Stefan. "She's right. You can't fault one sibling for the sins of the other. Right?" She looked at Damon and I smirked. Ain't that the truth. I stood up and walked over to Stefan.

"I appreciate that," Sybil said to Caroline.

"Stefan, why don't you come with me and we'll go get some of the old family tree ornaments, huh?" Caroline and I looked at Stefan. "Oh, come on, Stef," Damon said and stood up from the couch. "I'll tell you why I'm here." Stefan sighed and I grabbed Damon's arm when he walked up to Stefan.

"If Stefan doesn't come back down in 20 minutes. You're dead, understood?" I asked him and Damon nodded.

"Loud and clear, little sister," Damon said and they walked upstairs. I turned to Caroline and sighed. Merry Christmas to all, and for all will go wrong.

For Entirety (Only His Series: Book 5) *OLD VERSION*Where stories live. Discover now