Chapter 21

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Alex's P.O.V

"WHAT!????" I shouted at Damon, the kids were sitting in the next room. They looked at me and I looked at them before quickly looking at Damon again. "What?" I asked for more clammy.

"Katherine is-"

"Dead as a doorknob," I said to him and he sighed.

"The queen of hell and out for revenge," Damon said to me and I and I shook my head.

"No, we killed her. Stefan stabbed her and she left Elena's body, then went to hell." I said and Damon nodded.

"Which she is now running." Damon started and I looked at my kids. I walked closer to Damon as I whispered to him.

"She can't be alive Damon."

"Believe me...she is and you need to get those kids somewhere safe before we do anything else," Damon said and walked away. Hayley walked up to me as Damon walked into the hallway.

"What was that about?" Hayley asked me and I sighed.

"Nothing," I said and smiled once I looked at her. "So, you gotta go," I said and she nodded.

"The pack needs me," Hayley said and I nodded. We hugged and said goodbye, then she said goodbye to the children and left. I walked over to my kids and sat down with them as they colored.

"Mommy?" I looked at Shawn.

"Yes, sweetheart, what is it?" I asked him.

"Who's Katherine?" Shawn asked and I froze.

"No one you two need to worry about."


The kids were upstairs in their room while we talked to Alaric on Damon's phone. I sat with Bonnie as Damon stood behind us and Stefan and Caroline sat across from us. When Katherine comes back from the dead it's pretty much code red for us and the whole universe.

"All right, professor, how do we get rid of the queen of hell?" Damon asked Alaric.

"Are you sure Katherine's in our world?" Alaric asked us and Damon turned to us.

"When Cade crossed places after the 11th ring of the bell, other souls could step through, too," Bonnie answered him as Damon walked over to us.

"The same way Kai did," I said to him. "Kat would have jumped at the chance."

"Then why haven't we seen her yet?" Caroline asked and we all looked at her. "I thought by now she'd be strutting around, making demands, or trying to get us all killed," Caroline said and looked at Stefan.

"Maybe she's biding her time," Stefan said.

"Or putting her own plan together," Damon said as another solution.

"Either way both are bad," I said to Alaric.

"Both ways, you're gonna need a new weapon." I heard Dorian say over the phone. I think Matt's there too. I wouldn't be shocked if he was.

"Is that Dorian?" Stefan asked.

"Yeah, I've asked Dorian to take points on our research front," Alaric said to Stefan.

"This doesn't mean you and I are cool," Dorian said and Stefan looked uncomfortable. "I still have those files on you, so I'm here to hold you accountable for the rest of your God-given life."

"I hope that you do," Stefan said.

"So what have you guys come up with?" Caroline asked.

"Cade was killed with a dagger that was made from his bones. It was fused into glass by a white-hot flame. First things first, though, I don't suppose you know where Katherine's bones are?" Dorian asked us.

"Oh, who's ever thought she'd done us a favor?" Damon asked and handed me my drink. "We've got every last one of Katherine's bones, in the cave, underneath the old church, leftover from a traveler barbecue she had when she tried to possess Elena," Damon explained.

"But the bones fusing into glass- how do we make a weapon like that?" I asked them.

"Would putting the bone in a metal dagger do the trick?" Matt asked. I was wondering where you were. "My parents are in town." Jeez. "I could ask my dad for help."

"'Parents,' plural?" Caroline asked Matt.

"Unexpected family reunion, so now I've got two nightmares to deal with," Matt said to her.

"Gossip later, townies," Damon said to them. "Stefan and I will go on bone-fetching duty."

"Dorian and I will research an alternative to fight her," Alric said.

"See, if Katherine's back, that means hell still exists. We need to figure out a way to break her kink to hell." Dorian explained.

"These psychic dimensions are tied to emotional traumas. Cade created him when he was burned at the stake. I created mine...when I saw Enzo get murdered." Bonnie explained and I saw a wash of guilt run over Stefan's face. "I'm just saying maybe there's a way to destroy the dimension itself. Destroying hell destroys her."

"Great, you guys are on Hail Mary miracle duty so how do the rest of us get Katherine to show herself?" Caroline asked.

"That's the easy part Care," I said to her. I stood up and smiled at them. "She's obsessed with Stefan and insanely jealous. If she sees anyone making him happy, she'll lose control of herself." I explained as I walked over to Damon. "So she'll have no choice but to come out of hiding."

"Your point?" Caroline asked.

"Her point is we shove Stefan's happiness in her face. We throw the one-party Katherine would never miss." Everybody looked at us confused while I smirked. "Who doesn't love a wedding?" Damon asked and Stefan and Caroline shared a looked before agreeing. 

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