Chapter 10

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Alex's P.O.V

"Allow me to introduce this year's Miss Mystic hopefuls. Violet Fell, escorted by Ryan Ashton." Caroline said as I stood by my kids and watched my brothers. But I turned my head when I heard the name, Ashton.

I smiled at the boy and started to think of John's little sister. On her wedding day. That was the day John and I said I love you for the first time when he gave me the ring. At least she got to live a normal life, while I'm still repeating the same old story. Happiness, drama, safe brothers, repeat.

I listened to Caroline and watched as Stefan and Damon talked to each other. I saw Stefan rip the chain from the Talisman and throw it to the floor. Well, there goes plan A. Sybil came down from the staircase in a blue dress.

"Shall we?" She asked Stefan and he smiled as they walked away. Bonnie walked up and offered to take the kids. I nodded and walked over to Damon.

"Tell me you're not listening to him. He's not himself. Okay?" I said and he nodded.

"I haven't been myself lately, either," Damon said and I sighed.

"No, you have been yourself." He just stared at me and I huffed. "Nevermind. You know what, I already lost Stefan. I haven't had time to spend with my kids because of our family's shit. And I'm not losing you to Sybil's sabotage." I said and took him outside as the dance began.

"What are you doing?" Damon asked me as we walked outside.

"You did this dance. With Elena." I said to him.

"Yeah, I'm aware of that."

"It meant something to you. And this event, this place, it only means something to you because of the feelings you attach to it." I said to him and he looked at me. "Your stupid brain is trying to remind you of the truth," I said to him and pulled him to the dance floor outside. We got in position for the dance as we began to dance with everybody else.

"How is a stupid pageant supposed to remind me of feelings attached to something I haven't even forgotten?" He asked me.

"" I placed my hand on his shoulder while he placed his on my waist. "And trust that Elena is right here, dancing with you," I said to him. And I'm going to pretend Klaus is dancing with me if that helps. "There's another way, you know. We can fight Sybil." I said to him.

"Does this have something to do with that stupid metal ball?" Damon asked me.

"The striker is the final piece to the weapon. And if we use it, maybe we can break her influence over you." I said to him and Stefan grabbed my hand.

"May I?" Stefan asked and I jerked my hand away. I looked over at Caroline and smirked.

"Why don't you go dance with your fiance instead?" I asked him and walked over to where my children were. I can't deal with you right now.


I walked down to the basement of our house and saw Damon on the floor. I came a few minutes ago and Caroline told me what happened between Stefan and her. Long story short...the wedding's off.

And I'll happily send Stefan to hell for breaking her heart. The kids were asleep after a long day and I was happy to be with them again. Sybil was chained up to the wall. She smiled and I ran over to Damon who was laying on the ground.

"What did you do?" I asked as I checked on Damon. He was just laying on the floor with his eyes open. Sybil didn't answer me; she just smirked. 

For Entirety (Only His Series: Book 5) *OLD VERSION*Where stories live. Discover now