Chapter 17

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Alex's P.O.V

My little brother's human....

....Enzo's dead....

And Kai's alive again.

Basically, Damon and I were in his car after I met him at the Armory to happily punch Kai in the face. I was ignoring him and I called Bonnie as Kai sat in the back seat.

"What do you and Damon need?" Bonnie asked.

"Just calling to make sure you're okay," I said to her.

"I'm not," Bonnie said to me. "But your brother left me nine messages this morning, so he obviously wants something." I looked at Damon and he didn't make eye contact with me.

"I know how you feel, Bonnie," I said to her and she was quiet. "And no, Damon doesn't want anything. I'm just...I'm here for you when you want to talk." I looked at Damon and hesitated before speaking again. "Unrelated, um, Damon wants to know if you have made any progress getting Enzo out of hell?"


"I'm just saying, Cade got out. Why shouldn't Enzo? Damon's words, not mine." I told her and Damon gave me a glare.

"Cade used the Maxwell bell. Which is kind of a non-starter now, unless you, Damon, want to rick nuking Mystic Falls again." Bonnie said and I sighed before putting the phone on speaker. "I'm not a practicing witch anymore."

"But you're also not a quitter, Bonnie," Damon said to her. Kai leaned up and began to mess with the radio. I hit his arm and really quietly told him to be quiet. He's like a five-year-old in an adult's body.

"You know what?" Bonnie asked and Kai sat back down. "Call me back when you're not..." I stopped her.

"Whoa, whoa, n-no. Wait, wait. Don't hang up." I said to her.

"Bonnie I'm sorry." Damon said quickly "I didn't mean to be rude. I just, um...I was just hoping you had a solution for Enzo because we might need a solution for someone else, too."

"Some else like..."

"Let's just say we had a...semi-ghost situation. Someone halfway in our world, who really wanted to stay here for real." I said to her and Kai started to whisper to me. "What? Shut up." I whispered to him.

"This is all hypothetical, Bon-Bon, but what if there was a way to compare your life to Elena's?" Damon asked her and I sighed quickly. I then opened the dashboard, grabbed a magazine, rolled it up, and hit Kai in the arm with it.

"That's for being an asshole," I said and turned back in my seat. Damon smirked at me then gave his attention back to bonnie.

"And what if the very...small price to pay was us freeing a soul from hell?" Damon asked and I groaned. Not the right time Damon, not the right time.

"First of all, by 'us,' you mean me. Second of all, it's crazy, because the only person who could break that link is Kai, and he's been dead for years." Kai fell down, mocking that this conversation was boring and I rolled my eyes. "Who's sitting next to you?" Bonnie asked.

"Alex," Damon said.

"Really? Just Alex, no one else. Because I just had the weirdest feeling. There's something with you two." I looked at my photo and watched as Kai drew a heart on the window. I looked at Kai and placed my hand on my head, annoyed. "Someone you who don't want me to know about." I grabbed my phone and placed it to my ear after Damon parked on a bribe in some town. I got out of the car and walked away from Kai. Damon got out of the car as well and followed me.

"Look let me be clear," I said to her. "Even if there were someone else here with me, We wouldn't want you to know, because of a certain psychic devil that's on the lookout for escaped souls." I turned to Damon and stopped walking when I was far enough away from Kai to breathe. "And what you don't know can't hurt us."

"Oh, my God. Tell me you're not talking about Kai parker." I was silent and turned to Damon's car with him as we watched Kai clumsily try to get out of Damon's car.

"Of course no why you ever say that, Bon-Bon."

"Because I know you two." Kai got out and closed the door then waved at us. "And because I have this incredibly strong feeling that I can't explain." She said and I continue to walk away from Kai.

"You ok, Bonnie."

"Alex, Before my Grams helped me tap into my witchcraft, she told me I was psychic." Well, shit. I turned to see Kai and Damon following me. Go away you two. "Which would explain how I know you're hiding something." I looked down frustrated. "And why I can feel Enzo."

"Wonderful. Fantastic. Can your new psychic powers help someone get out of hell or not?" I asked her.

"I have no idea. But cade would know the answer." I stopped walking as Damon And Kai got closer. You two are really pissing me off. "I'm gonna ask him how to save Enzo." She said and I opened my mouth in refusal.

"No, no, no, Bad ideas, Bonnie..." I said and she hung up. I put my phone away and turned to Kai and Damon.

"Mm," Kai said and looked between Damon and me. "Did it sound like she missed me?" Kai asked and I smirked before walking up to him.

"You follow me like that again and I'll send you back to hell no matter what Damon thinks," I said and walked away from them.

For Entirety (Only His Series: Book 5) *OLD VERSION*Where stories live. Discover now