Chapter 8

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Alex's P.O.V

"His blood pressure was bottoming out. He barely has a heartbeat." Tara said to Stefan and me. I watched as she checked upon him.

"Tara, listen to me," Damon said to her in a weak voice.

"Please don't talk," Tara said, feeling uncomfortable.

"Please." She looked at him. "Come closer. Please." She did. "Look at me. I was never... a drunk driver." Damon said as he attempted to compel her. She just walked away, looking furious. "Oh." The vervain in his system was too much and it didn't affect her. Stefan walked over to him while chuckling.

"Oh. Sorry, Damon. You're too weak to convince her otherwise." Stefan said to him.

"Mm. Tara." She looked up from his chart and over at him. "Show him I'm right about you. Give me a chance to redeem myself." Damon said to her.

"No matter what you do, her parents will still be gone. Your mistakes can never be undone." Stefan explained to him.

"My life is worth something," Damon said.

I hadn't said a word because I didn't want any part of this. Wait...umm, no, no, no. I'm not scared. I don't feel anything. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Then opened them a few minutes later. Why can't shake this sense of fear away?

"So is your death. Think about how much good you would do for the people who actually deserve to live." Stefan said to him as he began to turn up the dial on his vervain.

"Uh..." Damon said and muttered indistinctly as Stefan adjusted his vervain IV. The monitor beeped more rapidly. Tara walked up to him.

"I-I think you shouldn't be in here." She said to him. I just stood in front of Damon. Looking worried, but I think this time I meant it.

"His heart's already failing. Maybe we should just wait it out." Stefan said to her and I looked at him.

"I took an oath to help people," Tara said to him.

"I understand, I do. But here's what I can't stop thinking about. You fix Damon's heart, you get him back up on his feet again. Then he goes back to drinking. Then one night he gets behind the wheel, causing another accident. Someone else's parents die. Or maybe this time it's a couple of kids." Stefan said to her and I walked over to Damon. He weakly turned his head and moved his hand. I took it and smiled at him. He muttered something else but I couldn't hear him.

"We can't predict the future," Tara said.

"I know, but we can judge the past. How many times does Damon have to show us who he really is before we actually believe him? I understand your struggle, I really do. Trying to be perfect for everyone when all you want to do is make a choice for yourself." Stefan argued with her.

"This is not about me." She said and I looked at her. Please, prove Stefan wrong.

"Yes, it is, because you are in charge. So follow your instincts, and do what you think is right." Stefan said to her and she looked down. Damon kept muttering something to me and also trying to get Tara's attention, though he was still very weak. She looked at Damon and me.

"I-I think you should leave." Tara looked up at Damon. "Now." She demanded and Stefan stood there for a moment before leaving. Tara looked at me, then placed her head down. I squeezed Damon's hand and left the room to join Stefan.

I walked out of the room seeing Stefan look through Damon's bag. He pulled out Esther's Talisman - Damon's reminder of Elena. "Time of death... 2:47 p.m." I heard Tara say and I sighed.

"That figures," Stefan said and showed it to me. I rolled my eyes and Stefan walked up to me. "What's up with you?"

"What? Nothing." I said to him and he shook his head.

"No, something is wrong. When you were in there you felt something. Didn't you?" He asked and I looked away. I scoffed and turned to walk away, but Stefan grabbed my arm. "Alex, answer me," Stefan said and pulled me closer to him. I looked at him and jerked my arm from his grip.

"I have no idea what you're talking about brother. I don't care, remember?" I said to him and he laughed. Stefan walked up to me till we were nose-to-nose.

"You can hide it all you want, but I see the emotions in your eyes. You're worried about Damon. I guess you can't keep your emotions off for very long." Stefan explained and I rolled my eyes before looking away.

"I'm going to the car. Meet me there in an hour with Damon please." I said and walked down the hallway, away from him.


I stood outside of the car and sighed. I leaned against the door and sat down on the concrete. I brought my legs to my chest and held them as I held my head in my hands. I closed my eyes and sighed.

~In Alex's Head~

I felt someone wrap their arms around me. I looked up and saw Klaus. I looked around and realized we were in our room, in the compound. We were sitting on the floor, as our backs leaned against our bed.

"What- how did I get here?" I asked him as I turned to him.

"You are not here, Alex. This is just a memory we both happen to be thinking of." Klaus explained. "You're still in the same position you were in when you woke up here." He touched his chest lightly. I grabbed his hand and smiled at him when he looked up at me.

"Does it hurt?" I asked him and he tucked a hair behind my ear with a smile.

"A little. But it's worth it to keep you safe." Klaus said and I smiled. I laid my head on his shoulder as we intertwined our hands. I smiled when he kissed my head.

"How is this even possible?" I asked him. "I turned off my emotions, yet all I want to do is cry?"

"The soulmate bond is stronger than your humanity switch," Klaus told me. "It keeps your emotion on even when you think of it. It's why you felt guilt, sorrow, and fear today." I looked up at him. "You can't turn it off. The switch doesn't exist for you and me anymore."

"So when I saw you -"

"It was the soulmate bond reconnecting us," Klaus explained and he smiled. "Not to mention the Unification Ceremony probably helps with that too." I laughed and leaned up to his face. I kissed him sweetly and softly. Pouring all the love I felt for him in one kiss. When we pulled away we both smiled at each other.

"Can't we just stay like this?" I asked him and he shook his head sadly.

"No, but I'll be here when you want to talk," Klaus said and I smiled. I kissed him again before I opened my eyes.


I felt someone shaking me and I looked up to see Damon and Stefan. I felt tears and started to cry. Damon sat next to me and brought me into his arms, as he rocked me back and forth.

"I-I can't do this anymore Damon. I need him. I need to get Klaus back." I said to him and he shushed me as he rubbed my back. "Please, help me get him back." Damon kissed the top of my head. After a few minutes, he helped me stand up and I looked at Stefan. He looked down disappointed.

"I should have known your soul mate bond with him would be stronger than any humanity switch," Stefan said to us and I looked at him in disgust. "Oh, well, at least Damon hasn't completely turned his on yet."

"Stefan, you've crossed the line now," Damon said to him, pissed off. He reached inside his jacket and handed me my wedding ring. I placed it on my finger and let the tears fall. Damon then ushered me into the car before my brothers both got in themselves and we left.

For Entirety (Only His Series: Book 5) *OLD VERSION*Where stories live. Discover now