Chapter 2

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Alex's P.O.V

Caroline and I were in the kitchen with Sybil. Caroline was pouring all of us each a glass of white wine. I sat at the breakfast bar watching Sybil, though she didn't seem to care. She was eating some of Caroline's food, not that we could make her stop if we wanted to.

"Mmm, this is gonna be a killer dinner." Literally? "Are the other guests on the way?" Sybil asked us.

"Let's hope so," I said and Caroline handed me my wine as she walked over to us.

"Goody," Sybil said. "I can't wait." Caroline handed her a glass of wine. "I haven't had a Christmas Eve dinner in... ever." Caroline walked over to the turkey and sighed before she started to crave it. Sybil rushed over to help her and I rolled my eyes. She's up to something and so is Damon. I turned to the clock, his twenty minutes are up.

"Here, here, here. Let me help." She said and looked at Caroline. Caroline just laughed and so did I. Play the role given and our children come out of this alive. She walked over and sat next to me as Sybil began to carve the turkey. "Besides, you wouldn't want to get turkey juice on that gigantic rock on your finger. So? When's the wedding?" Caroline looked at the ring and so did I. She turned to me and I looked surprised.

"Please just tell me you're having it in June?" I asked her and she sighed.

"It was supposed to be in June, but..."

"Oh, that's right. Cade." I turned my attention back to Sybil. "Hmm. Don't worry. A vampire-like Stefan will be really good. He can probably kill 12 people in two seconds..." Caroline gulped and I glared at her. "And still be home in time to draw you a bath," Sybil said to us. Well, I guess I'll be calling Stefan Ripper for the next few months.

"Thrilling. So, what's your favorite part about Mystic Falls so far?" I asked her and Caroline stood up, then walked over to the bottle of wine.

"Hmm... Huge houses with big pools. You know I love the water," I laughed quietly to myself. "And it's not like I have to pay the mortgage or anything," Sybil said. Well, I still have to pay a mortgage. I have a job as a creative writing teacher in Beacon Hills. Part of giving my children a normal life.

"It's hard to find those around here." Caroline said and she gave me a quick glance saying, 'trust me.' Ok, I trust you.

"Actually, there's a little neighborhood outside of Grove Hill called the Pond Estates." Caroline poured herself some more wine and I walked over to the wine. I looked between my glass and the bottle then laughed. I grabbed the bottle and walked back over as I poured myself some more wine. "Weirdly though, there's no pond." We all laughed, then Caroline and I drank our wine. "I know, right? Anyway, it's filled with rich, sleazy men that'll give up their whole house for a song. Get it?" Sybil asked and we laughed at her joke.

"That's hilarious. Hmm. I'll be right back." Caroline said to her and placed her wine down. Sybil sighed and looked at me.

"You and Damon share a lot of the same qualities." She said and I gestured to her with my glass as I smiled.

"Well he is my older brother, and I did look up to him as a kid," I said to her. I looked at the clock and sighed. I stood up then smiled at Sybil. "Well it's been 30 minutes and no one has heard from my little brother, so umm, if you don't mind," I said to her and she nodded.

"No, I get it, family drama." She said and I laughed as I walked away. Something like that.


I walked upstairs to Stefan's room. Caroline sent me up here looking for Elena's necklace. She wanted to get Damon back to his old self, and I was all for it. When I walked upstairs to Stefan's room, I found Stefan dead on the floor completely desiccated. I gasped in shock.

For Entirety (Only His Series: Book 5) *OLD VERSION*Where stories live. Discover now