Chapter 11

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Alex's P.O.V

I was standing in front of Damon when Bonnie walked in. I smiled at her and then snapped my fingers in front of my brother's face. He didn't flinch or anything really and I sighed. I turned to Bonnie and smiled.

"Alex?" Bonnie looked at Damon, who I placed in a chair as he stared off into nothingness. "Damon?" She asked.

"Wait, they're here too?" I heard Caroline say over the phone.

"Today's duelist: Make Breakfast, take kids to school, and..." I looked back at Damon and waved my hand in front of my face. "Fix my older brother," I said to Bonnie.

"Get down here, Caroline," Bonnie said to her. "Now."


"What do you think happened to him?" Bonnie asked me and sighed as she observed my brother sitting still on the chair.

"I'm guessing Sybil happened. But the real question is: what did she do to his brain this time?" I asked and I looked at them. "I've been trying to wake him up all night. Nothing worked. He just seems too...lost."

"Only one way to find out. Can't you just jump in there?" Bonnie asked me and I nodded.

"Yeah, but it won't be pretty," I said to her. I placed Bonnie's hand on my shoulder then offered my hand to Caroline. She sighed then took it. I touched Damon's shoulder to get inside his mind. I gasped after getting out of his mind when I saw Damon was screaming and burning.

"What was that?" Caroline asked and I stared at my brother shocked. Bonnie let go of me and I placed my hands on either side of his face. Damon didn't look at me and I tried again, but I saw the same thing. I jumped back after he pushed me out.

"I don't know. I... It was just fire and pain." I said to her.

"Then that's what Damon's feeling. Look, he's suffering," Bonnie said and we saw as one tear came from Damon's eye. I began to hear someone humming.

"Wait, do you hear that?" Caroline asked and I nodded. The humming continued as I made a face, knowing who it was.


I looked through the door, seeing Sybil, who was waving with one of her cuffed hands. I walked in as I opened the door with Bonnie and Caroline following behind me. "Well, it looks like we have a rat in the cellar," Caroline said to her.

"Are you annoyed? I always thought that was just your resting face. Let me guess. Damon's not feeling well." Sybil said and I growled, but Bonnie held me back.

"What did you do to my brother?" I asked her.

"I gave him what he wanted, I flipped his little humanity switch back on." She said and I looked at her shocked.

"Then why is he a zombie?" Caroline asked and I turned to her.

"H-His mind couldn't handle all those memories and feelings rushing in all at once," I said to Caroline and looked at Sybil again.

"Don't worry, I can fix him, as long as I get what I want," Sybil said to me.

"You're crazy if you think we're letting you out of this cell. You'll mess with our heads, too." Bonnie said to her.

"That's the beauty of it... You don't have a choice." I sighed as she looked at Caroline. "Pay the price or prepare to have a catatonic best man at your wedding. If you're still getting married, that is." Her voice got lower. "I know it's looking a little bleak." She said.

"What do you want?"


Sybil was going through Damon's mind as she stood in front of him. I was sitting on the arm of the couch. "You weren't kidding. It's all fire and brimstone in here. This is gonna be a lot more complicated than I thought." Sybil said to us with her eyes closed. She stopped and got out of his mind then turned to us. "Okay, here's the deal. Consciously, Damon believes that he is in hell."

"What?" I asked her and she looked at me.

"For some reason, Damon thinks that's where he belongs," Sybil said. You know when I say 'Go to hell.' I didn't actually mean it, brother.

"Well, how do we change his mind?" I asked her.

"Well, that's a question only Damon can answer. So I suggest you go in there and ask him yourself. Once you figure out what's holding him back, I should be able to repair the damage." Sybil explained and I sighed.

"We already tried going inside his head, remember? Didn't go well." Bonnie said to her.

"Yeah, that's because you went through the front door. But lucky for you, I can get you in through the back... into his subconscious. Alright ladies, grab on." Sybil said. I touched his shoulder while Bonnie and Caroline grabbed each of Damon's hands as Sybil started to go into his head.

~In Damon's Head~

Birds chirping was heard as I looked to see Caroline, Bonnie, and I was outside of the house. "Guess the inside of Damon's head looks a whole lot like the outside. Okay, come on. Shouldn't take long." Bonnie said and I sighed. If only life was that easy. We walked into the house and looked inside of it.

I looked around and saw a counter. A man turned around and I looked at him confused. "Henry?" I asked him and he looked up then smiled at me.

"Ms. Salvatore, we did expect you to be back so early. How are the kids?" Henry asked and I smiled at him.

"Good good," I said and looked around confused. Henry was Damon's friend in the army. Damon saved him and was his best friend. Henry turned to address Caroline and Bonnie.

"Good morning, welcome to the Salvatore Boarding House. Do you have a reservation, ladies?" Henry asked and they walked over to us.

"Um, I'm not sure. Do we need one?" Caroline asked him.

"I'm afraid so, the house is at maximum occupancy," Henry said and I looked at him.

"We're looking for Damon Salvatore," Bonnie said and he smiled.

"Well, that's easy. He's right behind you." Henry said and pointed behind us. We turned and saw a picture of Damon in his army suit.

"I take it back. This might take a minute." Bonnie said and I laughed. Of course it will. This is Damon's head...

"Mr. Salvatore was a bit of a hero during the war." I turned to Henry and he placed his hand on my shoulder. He looked at me sadly and I looked at him confused.

"Yeah, we know all about that, but where is my brother right now?" I asked him.

"You do understand I meant the Civil War?" Henry said and I nodded.

"Yes, Henry I understand. I remember you from 1864. Damon told me he saved your life during the War, so where is he?" I asked him and he looked at me scared.

"I'm going to have to ask you all to leave. Now!" Henry yelled.

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