Chapter 1: New neighbors

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"Alex!!!" my mother yelled from outside my door, i forcefully pull the covers off of my head and check the time. '5A.M.?! who the fuck wakes someone up at 5AM.?' i thought to myself trying to tune out my banshee of a mother and go back to sleep. "Alexa Rose Cruz, so help me god if you do not get out of that damn bed i will cancel the Netflix subscription for 3 Months!" my banshee  yelled. "NO! IM UP" i wailed back getting out of bed and running to the door. "good now come downstairs and eat, you have to go to school soon." shit i had forgotten about school, not letting her know this, i just nodded, eager to get downstairs and eat.

while eating i couldn't help but notice that my mother had an excited look on her face. "okay what's up with the face? you look like a kid on christmas" i asked my mother. "well if you would so graciously follow your father and i, we will show you." as i followed my parents i couldn't help but feel a little scared, because last time they had a 'surprise' for me, i received acne wash with a lecture on how to wash my face properly. because yes,  that's how my parents are. Energetic, carefree,oh and did i mention ENERGETIC. Yes my parents were there but they werent always home and often put their work first. My mom worked in fashion so she was always out traveling the world for work, and my dad owned a multi-million dollar company called, cruz&co.while my parents were energetic, me and my brother were definitely not, were just a couple of spoiled, rich, snotty,underworked teens. HA! NOT! Me and my brother wanted to be as normal as possible. We never let the money get to our heads and even though our parents just give us a check for saying, 'sorry im not here' instead of an actual apology like we both want.

my mother basically bounced out the door with all of her excitement when i saw it, all my fears dissolved because, "HOLY SHIT YOU GUYS BOUGHT ME A CAR?!" I shouted loudly, very loudly. when i heard an angry cory behind me.

"a car really? i'm her twin and she gets the car?!" he said with disgust. "no don't be silly you two will share the car" she must have noticed the scowl on both my twin brother's and I's faces because she added. "think of it as just a sibling carpool. c'mon it'll be fun?" 'its not like she didn't have the money and couldve bought him one too" i thought. 

" FUN? this is NOT fun" cory snapped.

"okay, well on that note we should all go inside." my mother chirped.

i immediately walked into my room and gathered my clothes for school today. i got out my black denim skirt, white butterfly crop top, and black boot heels.

i threw they clothes on my bed, grabbed my towel and walked into my bathroom that was connected to my room. i turned that water on and waited for it to heat up, then i got in and washed my hair and body and shaved my legs for my skirt today.

when i got out i wrapped my towel around myself and put on my bra and panties, this set was black and lacy. i always put on my bra and panties in the bathroom then get fully dressed in my room.

i walked out of the bathroom in my undergarments, threw my towel on my desk chair and turned to look at myself in the mirror next to my window.

i stood there and analyzed myself, i never really thought i was pretty but i never thought i was ugly either, i guess i thought i was 'okay'.

as i stood there analyzing every inch of my skin that was shone i heard cory yell that we had 20 minutes before we had to leave.

i took one final look at myself in the mirror to check my outfit, i went downstairs, i grabbed my purse, threw on my leather jacket and  grabbed my new keys and yelled for corey. "Cory!! get your ass down here. LETS GOO!"

"okay, okay.shit. i'm coming!" Cory yelled back. i basically had to push corey out of the door in order to get to school. even though we were twins the only thing we had in common was our facial structure, the same nose, eye shape..etc, we had different colored eyes, mine Hazel,his a baby blue with a touch of gray.

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