Chapter 23: First date? More like First love

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It has been almost a month since i admitted my feelings for austin and we still haven't gon on a date yet. I mean its not his fault, eve had exams- wich by the way who the fuck makes an exam for the first month of school?- anyways, were basically a couple, but not official.

It's complicated.

BUT, tonight is finally the night. Mandy made me go through utter hell getting me ready for this date so it better be the best goddamn date in the whole world.

So, as I was walking back to our dorm house from the cafeteria (I had gone to get a coffee) I noticed our door lightly ajar. "That's weird" I whispered to myself.

I push open the door cautiously and inside is absolutely trashed.

As I walk through the house-dorm, I look around. All the furniture is turned over, things are smashed, they went through all of our rooms. But that's not what caught my attention.

What caught my attention was the note left on my bed.

"You want your boys back? Come and get em'



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Oops? Sorry not sorry but this was the perfect way to set up a sequel. IF I even do one.

Anyways thank you, beautiful people who read my story. I love you all, and to all, a goodnight.

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