Chapter 13: Orphans

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It had been a week since Austin's first nightmare in front of me. He hasnt slept over my house since then, I assume his mom said so. I hear him sometimes start yelling in his sleep but his mom always comes in. He keeps his bedroom window open in case he needs a quick exit in the night.

So here I am on a Saturday morning at 3am being awoken by the screams of Austin Adams.


I wait a couple minutes until I hear his mom... but she never comes.


His mom never enters the room. I start to panic and before I know it, I'm out the window and into his in a matter of 30 seconds. I straddle him again and shake him awake. It's the only way he wakes up.

"Princess? What are you doing here?" He asks me.

"I woke up to you screaming, your mom never came in so I came through the window as fast as I could."

He gave me and understanding nod.

"Come. Let's get you some water." He got up and I steered him to the kitchen. He went to get a glass but something on the counter caught my eye. It was a pink piece of paper with writing on it. Being the Nosey person that I am, I read it. And... shit bro.

Dear Austin,

I'm very sorry that you have to find out this way but, i left. I'm so sorry honey, it's just that I was overwhelmed with everything. The truth is that I've been overwhelmed you yiu and your nightmares since that incident happened. I'm very sorry Austin.

I love you.


She fucking left.

"Uhm Auti I think you need to read this" I was shaking.

"Woah lexa why are you shaking? Calm down" he grabbed my hands.

"Austin. Read it." He knew I was serious by me using his name.

As he read it I could see the sadness in his eyes. Austin had abandonment issues after his father left. And now his mother left too.

A tear escaped his eye before they all started flowing. I grabbed the note from his hands and put it on the table as I pulled him in for a hug. After he stopped crying I pulled back, whipped away any remembrance of his tears from his face and spoke. "That's it. You're packing your shit. And your living with me. She left you but I won't. Let's go." I spoke with so much determination.

"Lexa.. I cant ask you to do that"

"You didn't. Austin your dad left you because you were violated. Then your mother left you because she didn't want to deal with the nightmares from your violation. They left for things that were out of your control. Austin, they left, but I'm not going to. Now, we're going to go up to your room and we're going to pack your shit, and you're going to live with me. You already have a closet and all your shower stuff in my room. You practically live there. So grab the rest of your stuff and we're leaving this house."

He only responded with a nod as I dragged him upstairs. We get to his room and he got out a duffel bag and starts to put clothes in it.

"Now here's the game plan. We get the clothes right now, then we go to sleep in my bed, then tomorrow when we're both rested I'm going to call all of the 7 other guys I know and they're going to help us move all of your stuff into my room. We're also going to put your bed in there but with your nightmares you'll probably end up in mine anyways."

"Okay sound like a plan. Lexa thank you. Really"

"Austin I swear to god, if you thank me one more time for being your bestfriend and loving you I'm going to strangle you." I say through gritted teeth.

Austin Fucking Adams|✔️|Where stories live. Discover now