Chapter 18: secret love

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(Morning of the camping trip)

Me and austin are currently scrambling around his old house getting the last of our stuff for the camping trip. When we get back the renovations at home should be done.

"AUSTIN!" I shouted at him fron his bathroom upstairs.

"WHAT?" He shouted back.

"HAVE YOU SEEN MY UNDERWEAR? THE BLUE ONES?" I'm frantically searching the bathroom for my missing underwear so were not late.


I scrambled to the bed and stuck my hand under there.i felt a pice of cloth and pulled it out. "Aha!"



I grabbed my suitcase and we were off to school.

Once we got there they told us to pick a bus buddie and get into a line to get on the bus. Our pairs were ryker and jordan, Brendan and grey, Mandy and cory, and finally me and austin. Once we all got into our line, i saw Tiffany, one of the school sluts walk up to Austin swaying her hips. Once she approached hi she bated her eyelashes, "hey austin. Got a bus buddie yet" she clearly didnt see me yet by the way she was slightly bent over so he could see her cleavage.

He started at her with no emotion "yeah i do" he motioned towards me and thats when she finally saw me.

"Her? What a potty. Why sit with her when you can have me? I mean look at me!" A little too confident but, hey! Whatever floats your boat.

"And what exactly am i looking at? Because all I'm seeing is a walking STD, so begone" he flicked his wrist. She stormed off and everyone burst out laughing.

Once we were all seated, i pulled out my headphones and plugged them into my phone. I too the earphone and handed it to austin, while i took the left one. I put on The Arctic Monkeys knowing that austin religiously blares their music throughout the house.

I put my head on his boulder and fell asleep almost immediately.

- - -

How the fuck did I get here, to this moment right now?

If a year ago, yu would have told me that a girl I hated would find me in a janitors closet crying, my mom left me, and I moved in with lexa, then had her fall asleep on my shoulder during a bus ride, I would've fucking punched you.

Here I was, watching a sleeping lexa with a shit-eating grin on my face like a fucking creep.

She's so fucking adorable, even in her sleep.

I realized I started to develop feelings for her after that day she had brought me home for the first time, but I convinced myself I didn't. After I started having the nightmares, THATS when I finally accepted my feelings towards this amazing girl sleeping on me.

"Yo, dude, when are you just gonna grow a fucking pair and ask her out?" Ryker sighed from in front of us.

The way the seats were arranged was so that there were two bus seats facing each other.

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