Chapter 1

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"point your toes!"

Was all the dancers heard during their training. They were just getting started and had been doing stretching exercises for the past 10 minutes to warm up.

Being in the national ballet team of South Korea was a huge deal and so it happens that the dancers train at least 6 days a week up to 10 hours a day and dance four shows a week. The team consisted of 20 male and 20 female dancers who were preparing for a new show they would start to perform in a month. Today however, the team was not complete.

"Gigi, stretch those arms out! You've got the main role for god's sake!"

Before Gigi could even reply they got interrupted by a young man barging in the dance studio. He speedwalked over to the choreographer bowing his head multiple times.

"I'm sorry I'm late" he softly said in an apologetic way while trying to catch his breath. The dancers all stopped what they were doing and turned to the boy in the middle of the room. The boy then turned to the dancers and also bowed to them for interrupting their training.

"What's lesson number one, team?" the choreographer asked loud enough making sure everybody would hear. "We are never late~" the dancers all answered in unison and in a low tone sounding a bit annoyed. The choreographer turned back to the boy with her arms crossed "I know you're quiet the popular guy but here there is not special treatment. Let this be the first and last time you're late." The boy apologized once again keeping his head down.

The dancers had noticed the boy's face and quickly realised he wasn't just anybody. They softly elbowed eachother and shared glances making sure everyone was on the same page. "We can spare the introduction. I assume everyone knows who you are" the choreographer said coldly. "please have a seat on one of the benches while we finish practice." The boy obeyed her orders and sat down on one of the benches on the side of the room without saying another word.

His first impression was the worst of what he expected. He couldn't deny that it was his fault for being late but he had a feeling that even if he wasn't, the coach wouldn't have acted any different.

The dancers on the other hand were curious of what the boy came here for and couldn't help of being nervous being watched by him. No matter male or female dancer.

And so, training went on for the following two hours. The dancers getting scolded around and just obeying orders as the boy sat with his legs crossed following their every move attentively. With a coach like this 2 hours felt like eternity but a little over 2 hours later she called it quits for today. The dancers bowed as she walked out. Right as the door closed behind her all the dancers dropped instantly to the floor gasping for air and sighing out of relieve. Sweat everywhere, people started taking their ballet slippers off to relieve pain while others grabbed their water bottle gulping it down in seconds.

Huh? It's over already? The boy thought to himself not knowing what to do. The coach did not even bother to at least give some basic information of how things go around here? Well, except for being late.... He quickly turned shy being left alone with the dancers and didn't know what to do. Should he just leave?

On the other side of the room the dancers gathered closely and pushed eachother to go talk to him first. "You're the main role" one of the males said while pushing another girl out of their circle. "You're the oldest!" she backfired. "Gigi, your water bottle is right next to him, go get it, maybe he'll start the conversation."

"He's leaving, he's leaving, he's leaving!" one of the girls paniced as the boy stood up. They all followed out of respect for the boy who was about to leave. He on the other hand got confused by it and stuttered shyly "A..Are you guys done?"

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