Chapter 7

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A little over a month had passed since Jimin joined the ballet team for his studies. This week would be the first time performing their new play and so the team was very busy.

Although Jimin wasn't part of the play, he was also very busy outside of ballet preparing for a concert. Whenever the team was too busy rehearsing on stage, he would be in the studio practicing for his concert.

Today was one of these days. He was alone in the dance studio while the team was downstairs rehearsing on the stage. He had watched them for a few hours earlier in the day but then thought he could spend his time doing something more usefull.

"Oh! You're still here?" a soft familiar voice interrupted Jimin in his dance practice. He quickly turned to the entrance facing the girl.

The two of them had spend a lot of time together lately... unintentionally. They were always the first ones to arrive and the last ones to leave. Both felt like they grew much closer to eachother and put the label of 'just friends' on their relationship. The team had noticed too but only talked about it behind their backs.

"Isn't that Black Swan choreo?" Gigi walked in picking up her bag ready to change back to her comfortable attire.

"You recognize it?" Jimin asked surprises as he wasn't dancing to any music.

"How could anyone not? You're BTS after all" Gigi answered not stopping in her footsteps.

No matter how popular Jimin had become, he had always stayed humble and still got surprised whenever people knew him or anything related to him.

Jimin scratched the back of his head shyly as the girl disappeared into the dressing room. As Jimin kind of got interrupted he decided to take a short restroom break.

"You're leaving?" the boy asked surprised once again running into Gigi in the hallway a few minutes later.

"You're not?" she asked back while checking her watch "It's about to be 9"

"Really?!" Jimin shot up looking at his watch. Wow, had he really been practicing for that long already? "Ah maaann, I was about to ask you to teach me a bit more..."

"I just changed..." Gigi spoke carefully trying to turn his request down

Jimin sighed a bit disappointed, exactly what Gigi was trying to avoid "I know... you must feel tired too", he spoke in a soft tone making it obvious he did not want her to leave just yet.

Not being able to stand Jimin in this state she quickly gave in walking back into the studio making the boy follow her with a smile.

"You know what, how about you teach me for a change" Gigi threw her bag on one of the benches on the side and turned to face the mirror.

"What, Black Swan?" Jimin held back a smirk "It's one of our hardest routines" he crossed his arms expecting Gigi to step down.

"Challenge accepted" she spoke without any hesitation.

Jimin raised his eyebrows at the girl thinking she was underestimating it "Ok then, let's start with the basics and pay attention to details later"

Without another word Gigi stood in Jimin's beginning pose of the song surprising him yet again. She's really something else he thought to himself also getting into the pose.

"So from here you go 1...." Jimin counted while showing the routine per move in slow motion. Gigi followed slowly trying her best remembering it all at the first try
"and 2...." Jimin continued following the girl's every move in the mirror. Why did everything look 10 times more elegant when she did it? Counting up to 8 he stopped.

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