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Layla POV

I woke up in the back of this familiar car. I looked and saw my fucking mom, she was biting her nails.


I was waiting for them in the car until something hit me in the head and knocked me out.

Back to the present...

We got home and she had me tied up, in my room.

She took out her phone and grabbed a picture of me.

Layla's mom: I'm sorry I told you I needed the money.

Layla: What even is your plan?

Layla's mom: I act like I'm the young men who's always talking sexually to you and I text them sexual stuff and pictures of you. She said disappointed of herself.

Layla: Wow, my own mother. I said shooking my head.

But I could see she was stressed and she was now red and she kept changing(clothes), she was sweating like crazy. I knew she felt bad so I decided I was gonna do "it" for her.

I knew how to get in her head so I said.

Layla: What about the police. Oh god she hated that word.

All the boys POV

Mattia: I just got a picture, of Layla tied up. He said pissed off.

Kairi: Omg I recognize the carpet, that's Layla's house you idiot. He said with a (duhh) expression.

Alejandro then called Noah telling him to join them at Layla's house. He agreed and they were all on there way.

Layla's mom POV

Omg what am I thinking? The police is going to find out. I can't go back there to much shit. Why'd I listen to my boss? Fuckk. You know what it's the end. I said why'll starting to cry.

I went to Layla untied her arms and gave her a gun and a sharp knife, so sharp just the tip cuts you deep. I wanted the person I hurt the most to do "it".

Layla's mom: DO IT! 

Layla POV

That's my mother, never would I hurt her, no matter what.

I start cutting my arms and wrists everywhere. Every inch of my upper body was filled in blood, making repasses on cuts, making them even worse. You couldn't even see my arms anymore.

Layla's mom: WHAT THE FUCK STOP...PLEASE. She said now crying.

Layla's mom: KILL ME. She said looking down, but looking at me like I was doing the wrong thing. She was now crying even louder.

Layla: You may mistreat me but your my mother never would I lay a hand on you. I say crying.

She grabs the gun out of my hands pointing it at her.

I moved it from her grip lowering her arm, aiming the gun to the floor.

Layla: Te amo, madre, no importa qué familia venga primero a pesar de que ellos son quienes te apuntan con el arma, tú tomas la bala por familia.


(I love you, mother, no matter what! Family comes first even though they're the one pointing the gun at you, you take the bullet for family.)

Layla's mom: Baby don't say stuff like that, I love you, don't hurt yourself anymore, please. I nodded and sighed.

With that I go behind her making her think I'm leaving, but instead I kick her knees, making her fall down.

I then shoot myself in the stomach.

Layla: No te preocupes madre, siempre te amaré

siempre serás mi número uno

I said whimpering.


(Don't you worry mother, I will always love you, you'll always be my number one. )

I say barely able to move my lips.

My eyes starting to shut.

Last things I heard was:

???: NOOOO! That person was crying.

???: WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!!???! That person said furious.


I kissed there hand with all the force left in me and slowly went down.

Everything was black.


-Authors note-

I know it's short, but I literally cried making this.


I love you all so much thank you for the love.

$ Don't do drugs kidz $


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