Chapter 1 (The interview)

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 (in ben's phone) 



                                                                                     Hey! You there??

Just a second, I'll meet you out there
in 20 mins.

                                                                                    Ok nice!
                                                                                    So they really decided to give me the job?

Not just yet, you need to do an interview
with the boss first

                                                                                    ahhhh >.< so scared! Do you think i have a
                                                                                    chance in??

Not sure- But the boss did said he needed
more help

                                                                                    Well thats good news hehe :)

Ok I'm almost there- give me 5 more mins.

                                                                                     Np! See you there then

I put my phone back in my pocket and leaned on the lamppost behind me,I'm getting a job...just for summer-
My friend Jack said his boss has a place for me to work at in a restaurant- I actually never been to Jack's work place before,
"Hooters..." I think that's what it's called, I've been to different Hooter places around, A bunch of hot chicks usually works there, "heh i guess i'll be working with hot chicks my whole summer" Thats good news to me, I never actually been on a offical relationship before- hm, I look at my phone once more, "Hey Ben-" I turned around and see Jack in his car, "Get in now, you don't wanna be late", I hopped in Jack's car and we took of.

"So who else works there?" I leaned back at the seat getting comfy, Jack still keeping his eyes on the road "You'll see when we get there", I sighed Jack wasn't really the chatty type,He does not talk that much and he takes things too seriously sometimes, "How long?" I then asked him,
"If you don't randomly teleport us there and shut up then 15 minutes-", "hmph ok-"I groaned as i took my nintendo out and started playing my game Zelda again.

"We're here" Jack stops to park his car outside the restaurant, I placed my nintendo back in my dark green shoulderbag  got outta the car and streatched my arms out, "gggah-" , Jack locked his car and we walked in the restaurant, "hehehe" Time to see some as-

"Hello boys~" I stared at the tall clown looking creature wearing a hooter crop top for a while"...." I shaked my head thinking i was just seeing things,

"Hey L.J. Has the boss arrive?" Jack still keeping everything normal and asked, I looked at Jack wanting to say something but keep stuttering, "W-wh-what h-he t-thats a g-guy i-" The tall creature who Jack was talking to then looked at me up and down, i"So this is the new guy you were talking about, he doesn't look all that...shaped if u ask me" Jack nods

"ah right the boss is in his office reading magazines or counting his money , and if you don't mind" The clown bend down to my level, "You and i can go and get to know each other a lil more ay?" He smirks,

I was in totally disbelieve, didn't know how to responed and sweat was dripping down on head, "L.J. table 15 they want you" A man that is wearing at Black face mask with a red lined eyes and mouth spoke, "AH alright!" The clown chuckled and left,

Jack without explaning anything took my hand and  dragged me over a door that said "staff only" He closed the door then looked over to me, "Ben this is the staff room and over there is the bosses office" Jack points over a large tall door, I looked around the staff room ,"heh this is actually pretty nice" It was big and cool, you can immdeiatly tell this restaurnut is good in hadling business, I scratched the back of my head "Ah wait jack i actually have a few question", Jack not looking at me once again answered, "save it, he'll answer all your questions" I watch Jack as he pulls out his....uniform? He walks in the dressing room to change, "He'll call you when he's ready, I need to go work"

And there i was, sitting on the staff room waiting for the interview...I was still very confused on what i just saw..."crop tops?Femboy...?"...."where were all the hot chicks???"  I tried not overthinking too much- "Benjamin Lawmen?" I heard my name as the huge door open, "y-yea?", I walked towards the door shaking alittle, god why do i have to be such a pussy sometimes, I walked in and see a Tall creature sitting on an office chair behind a very new looking office table, "You may sit down now Benjamin", "ooook!" I laughed akwardly as i sat on the...very comfortable chair "heh",

"So Benjamin Lawson?That is your name right?", I felt really uncomfortable and triggering hearing my last name being called with such a low and deep voice like that...or even hearing it at all, but i did promise Jack not to mess up this interview, "ah yes...But my friends call me Ben....ah sir-" I smiled akwardly, The man looked at me for a while and chuckled, "Its ok now, you don't have to stress yourself so much Ben, I don't bite....usually and people usually call me Slender but call me whatever your comfortable at...unless it's not very appropriate"
I  gulped nervously, "Oh heh ok sir- t-thanks",

Slender took a clip bored out full of papers, "Now into business, We have few more spots for bartenders or front desks waiters, looking right now, i think we need the bar waiters" Slender looks at me, "Are you familiar with ur alcohols?Or do you drink?", I thought for a moment, "Um no sir i do not drink, And yes...i am familiar most of the alcohols-" That was true infact, i don't drink, i didn't need to drink, not because i don't have problems but its cause i don't need lquid to operate my body...i am a living poltergeist anyway-

"Well that is very good news to us...Your friend Jack already gave me your job resume a few days ago, so i'll be calling someone to pick you up and show you around after i tell you the rules" I nodded as my new boss Slender spoke I can't beileve it was that easy...i was so nervous all for nothing, tho i still have my questions- I looked up the man as he spoke again, "This is a femboy resturant, yes there will be alot of very innapropriate costumers but you have to remember not to overreact in situations, but if they ever touch you....without your permission of course, i will be dealing with them myself- And no electronic devieces while in working shifts, i will also esign your shift times later on after we get you your uniform"

I looked at the tall creature confused, "Excuse me s-sir did you say Femboy?", Slender turned his head to me, "Why yes of course", suddenly a Boy wearing the crop top that says hooters i saw the clown wear earlier walks in the room- "Y-yes s-s-sir?" He had bandages wraped around his finger tips and he kept ticking, Slender spoke "This is Toby, he'll be showing you around now,"
The boy named Toby waved at me with a friendly smile, "N-nice t-t-to meet c-chu!",

I gulped

Thats it...theres no turning back now- i'll be working here for the whole summer-

theres no turning back now- i'll be working here for the whole summer-

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Creepypasta Femboy Hooters AUWhere stories live. Discover now