Chapter 14 (Narcissist ex-girlfriend)

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(8:50 pm In Ben's Apartment)

"Seriously Toby, y-you can go now..." After what happened in the mall today, Toby walked me back home and um...Suggesting he would stay for a while, just to keep me company, We were sitting on the small couch I keep in my bedroom, playing on my playstation since he knew video games made me feel better, "Noo, I c-can't just-t leave y-you alone-e aft-after what-t happened t-today.." He answered.... Toby didn't even ask about what I did...I mean I guess he's probably gonna ask tomorrow when I feel better, "Y-you want-t m-more g-green t-tea?" Toby looked at me and asked, I shook my head "I'm Toby..." Toby looked at me "Mhm?", " feel comfortable telling me more about that Clockwork girl?..." I asked not looking away from the game, "s-sure" He answered without hesitation, "W-Wait If your not comfortable you don't have to tell me anything" I added on, Toby chuckled "N-No It's-s fi-fine r-really, I wan-wanted-d t-to tell you-u a-about t-that a-anyways" He said, "ah ok- Well...What made you two break up?" I asked stuttering a bit, "S-Starting with-h th-the bi-big questio-on huh?" He giggled, Whaa was that too much? "Sorry I-" Toby placed his controller down and lies down on my lap, "I-It's al-alright, I-It was-s a p-pretty Long-g t-time a-ago ac-actually... L-like J-Jeff and LJ s-said, s-she was-s a na-narcissist- I o-only r-realized t-that when J-Jeff started-d t-to w-warn me th-that t-the w-way she tr-treats me wasn't n-normal" Toby sighed "B-But I didn't-t b-believe Jeff-f, a-and I told-d h-him t-that N-Natalie w-was just a-acting like-e t-this because-e s-she had trust-t I-issues w-with g-guys in g-general...well a-at least t-that's w-what S-She told m-me" Toby explained "Well...I mean how did she treat you like?" I asked, Toby thought for a while "W-Well... S-She w-w-would co-constantly c-check m-my messages-s, m-my insta-instagram dms, c-call history-y, To t-the point-t sh-she actually-y s-secretly-y d-download-d a tracking a-app o-once" Toby answered, I never been in a relationship apart from this one but that didn't sound normal at all, Toby continued "A-And I d-didn't re-really agree h-how sh-she was o-over doing-g I-it, b-but in the-e sa-same time I t-thought t-to just l-let it b-be s-since S-she d-did have t-trust issues, b-but I w-wanted her-r t-to trust m-me" I placed me controller down "Then...what happened...?" I gave my full attention to my boyfriend, "W-Well sh-she was m-my f-frist r-relationship s-so I didn't w-wanna l-loose Her-r...I didn't-t k-know any-anyone would l-love me l-like sh-she did, t-thats w-why I always h-hesitated t-to b-break u-up w-with her, b-but I guess I wa-was j-just so d-desperate..."



The sudden topic of my ex-girlfriend obviously didn't make me comfortable...But I needed to tell Ben about stuff like this if we both wanted to grow a stronger relationship- I looked up at Ben who was remaining silent "Darling?" I sat back up and faced him, he looked at me "A-Am I a good boyfriend? I-I know we just started dating and stuff but I really don't want to treat you wrong" Ben rushed his sentence, I gently patted Ben's head "Y-yes..." His face turned bright pink- "Toby when are you gonna take your mask off?" Ben asked, yea I've been wearing this mask for the whole day without taking it off haven't I? Ben probably doesn't know this but...He was one of the very few people to see me without my mask on, I took it off- Suddenly Ben asks me a question that caught me of guard "So why did you break up with Masky?"

I looked at him, how did he...I recalled the day when he said he was going over to Tim's house, did he tell him? "Toby?" Ben leant to me, I looked at his adorable face and sighed "M-Masky t-told y-you about u-us didn't-t h-he" I chuckled as I asked Ben, Ben gasped and covered his mouth with both his hands, I guess he forget to keep his mouth shut for Masky about the topic, "Yea-a M-Masky w-was the-e o-one who-o broke u-up wi-with me, b-but I kn-know he didn't mean it, I g-guess I was j-just act-acting like that since h-he was m-my first boyfriend as w-well, but I can't k-keep using the f-first as a-an e-excuse anymore..." I explained it clearly to Ben who...was really into my story, "Why did he broke up with you though?...Hoo- I mean Masky never told me..." Ben bite his lip thinking it was a uncomfortable question for me, I breathed out of my nose thinking he was worrying too much... "B-Ben It's a-alright t-t-to ask m-me q-questions l-like that-t as long as I'm comfortable-e w-with it , t-that's how healthy relationships work" I explained to Ben, he looked at me and nodded, I took a deep breath before explaining about the break up with me and Masky "H-Honestly he b-broke up w-with me cause h-he started-d t-to loose feelings-s f-for me, we-e never really f-fought o-or anything...a-and Masky-y was t-the one wh-who taught me h-how a h-healthy relationship works, h-he taught me h-how to take care of-f my-myself and o-other health c-care s-stuff, he-e was really-y p-protective with-h me... t-then it g-got t-to the point w-were Masky-y s-saw m-me more as-s a ba-baby brother" I replied to Ben's question, I looked at his face, he was thinking about something...I tilted my head waiting for his response, He looked back at me "I'm sorry..." He response, I giggled "I-It's fine-e r-really- Th-thanks to you-u I f-feel better everyday-y" I said and gave him a smirk , Ben gave me a small smile and buried his head to his beige sweater trying to hide his visible blush, "I l-like your s-sweater by the wa-way" I giggled, Ben looked at his sweater "Y-yea...I thought since you really liked wearing sweaters...I wore this green one today" He looked away smiling, I looked at his sweater confused...Green? "Yo-you mean beige sweater?" I asked Ben, he looked at me and shook his head "This is green Toby" He response...Ah dammit I forgot to tell him I him I have deuteranopia...I scratched the back of my head "S-Sorry I'm c-colorblind" I tell Ben, Ben looked at me surprised "Colorblind? You never told me that" , "Y-yea I forgot" I stick my tongue out like a cat, Ben giggled "What color can't you see?" He asked "I h-have de-deuteranopia-a"

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