Chapter 8 ( His Soft side//PART ONE//)

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(In Toby's room)


I yawned and sat up in bed, I leant towards were my bedside table always was but fell on bean bags that was on the floor, I sat up and looked around confused ,Ah right I stayed the night in Toby's house, I groaned and stretched my back, I looked around and Toby wasn't in his room anymore, ugh what time is it?? I looked at my phone that was still with me (10:55 am), Wow I got up pretty late- I stood up and walked out Toby's room, dam what was that smell? It smelled like it was coming from the kitchen, I walked into the living room to see Toby, "Hey um good morning..? How's your head?", Toby looked like he was in a really good mood, He smiled "I m-made s-s-some e-eggs and m-my hangover h-headache w-was gone f-f-fast-" He replied to me, I walked towards him to see what he was cooking, "It's w-waffles hehe, a-and s-s-some toast oh I also m-made b-b-bacon", He flipped the bacon in the frying pan perfectly, wow- that's cool to know he can cook, but doesn't he... Toby twitched and burnt is ring finger a little, he didn't rush to open the tap to pour cold water on his finger, ah right he can't feel it- I was kinda curious though, i wasn't trying to be mean just cause he had such disorder but did he really really cannot feel physical pain? What can i say??It was an interesting subject and i never met someone who was like him, "you ok?" I chuckled, he looked at me and nodded while laughing, "It's n-nothing", Ha literally- eh nah that was a bad joke wasn't it?, I sat down on the table and Toby handed me a plate of food he made, "soo where did you learn to cook?" I asked out of curiousity, He shurged "I was a-actaully a-assistance c-chef b-b-before becomming a-a wa-waiter- ", I took a bite on the waffles, wow this is actually pretty good, Toby seemed to notice me enjoying the food cause he looked really proud, "well why didn't you stay as a Chef? You seem really good at it-", I asked, Toby pointed at the scar in his ring finger and I understood right away, Toby sighed "B-but i-it's f-fine though! W-waiters and C-chefs g-get almost t-the s-same amount o-o-of salaryyy", I chuckled, "oh ok-".He's talking about money again, it's not that I mind though, I just guess I wanted to know him a little asking about his interest.... wait- I did have a question for him yesterday..."So um Toby", Toby looked at me "mhm?" He smiled, " you like me?" I asked while looking slightly away- "I um...w-well um" He stuttered, I made eye contact with him this time, "D-don't you have s-s-somewhere t-to go?" He dodged my question, "haha Y-yea I wa-was a-awake the wh-whole r-r-ride' He forced a giggle-

 I looked up at the clock... fuck Masky didn't tell me when to come over, I looked at Toby and he looked like he already know what was troubling me "Y-you c-c-can g-go t-there any-anytime", So have he been to his house already? I  mean Masky seemed to really find Toby annoying, and I don't think he would want Toby near him especially inside his house, But I might just be overthinking again, "Oh uh- is that really ok??" I asked, Toby stuffed a waffle into his mouth and nodded "as l-long i-i-it i-isn't a-a-after five pm-" He said with his stuffed mouth, "Oh um alright!", I smiled akwardly, I wasn't gonna ask why- something told me not to, I finished the food in my plate and stood up, "I'm gonna go change" I walked into his room where I found my clothes from last night were, I picked it up and smelled it, ugh It fucking smells like alchole, I didn't even drink last night, Toby walks in the room "Y-you can h-have mine!" He rushed to his closet and took out a sweater "h-here!", Was he spying at me from the living room?? uh... I wanted to say no but Toby looked really eager "A-are you sure I can borrow this? I mean I already borrowed your clothes from last night" I blushed and looked down at the over sized shirt I was wearing, Toby nodded "I r-really d-don't-t mind! a-also I d-don't really u-use t-this s-sweater a-anymore s-so you can h-have i-i-it!" Toby bite his lip and stared at me waiting for me to answer yes most likely, I agreed in the end and wore it, I placed my old shirt in my bad and wore the pants I wore yesterday since It still was fine to wear, I grabbed my bag "I' going now then" Toby walked me out of the door and down the lift, Toby gave me Masky's address since Masky also forgot to give me it, "See you on Monday" I waved goodbye  at Toby-

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