Chapter 19 (Popping The Cherry)

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content warning: Vanilla sex, biting,and...mention of...handcuffs??

(7:15 pm In Tobias's Penthouse)


"Toby?" Ben blushed while staring at  Toby, unbuckling his belt, Toby breathed out, "Do you have any idea how long I've been holding this in..." Toby blushed and looked away embarrassed, Ben looked down at Toby's now unbuckled pants, Ben backed away on the bed, Toby noticed and bite his lip regretting what came out of his mouth, "I-Im so sorry I'll jus-" before Toby could buckle belt back, he was stopped by Ben's cold hand,Toby looked at the smaller boy, Ben was blushing hard and stuttered when he spoke "W-We can...d-do it.." He looked away, Toby smiled softly, "are you sure?" Toby asked, just to make sure Ben was really ok with it, Ben paused for a while before nodding his head "I want..." Ben felt his stomach busting with butterflies-

Toby smiled and got on bed, on top of Ben, Ben blushed not knowing how to react, Toby gently pushed Ben to the center of the bed, Ben sat back up and watched Toby take his top of, now he was completely shirtless, Ben stared at the taller boy's chest, covered in different kind of scars, thinking it was so attractive, Ben cover his mouth and looked away blushing harder, Toby smirked, he placed his hand on Ben's face and forced his face towards him gently, Ben shuts eyes as Toby leant towards him and kissed him deeply.

Toby made sure not to overdo it again, not wanting his partner to be stressed out, "Is this your first time?" Toby asks, Ben was lying down and already breathing heavily from the kiss, Ben nodded to Toby's question... Toby picked Ben up and help him take his jacket off, "You want to keep your top on?" Toby asked Ben who was still blushing madly, Ben looked to his right and sees the curtain not closed yet, meaning anyone who walked pass could see them doing it...clearly-

"T-Toby..T-the window" Ben blushed, Toby looked to his left and chuckled, he stood up from the bed and walked to the window and closed the curtains "There...It's closed" Toby turned back around to see Ben rubbing on his bulge, Toby blushed and smirked "aw your not gonna wait for me?", Ben blushed and bite his lip, Toby got back on the bed and got harder just by look at Ben playing with himself, "mmhg~" Ben sat back up and looks up at Toby, Toby felt his face heating up, he hasn't done it or let anything for so long, not even when Ben was getting off in Toby's bathroom, he just ignored it and let it pass, Ben knew just by the look of Toby's face...  he blushed, he never done it with a guy nor anyone before, but he watched and read enough of porn to know what to do- 

Ben got to his knees and looks up at Toby, Toby blushed and unzips his pants, Ben stares at his bulge, he blushed and shuts his eyes as he rubs his cheeks on Toby's bulge, Toby uses one of his hand to cover his mouth, Toby takes his member out, accidently slapping it on to Ben's cheek, Ben blushes as he starts rubbing his cheek on Toby's member, Toby bite his lip trying not to let out any sound thou he felt like he could cum just by this, Ben looked at his member suddenly getting slightly harder, Ben pulled back and sticked his tongue out, Ben glitched once just as he laid his tongue on the tip of Toby's member and started licking it-

"hmphh~" Toby covered his mouth, Ben looked up at Toby again, checking if he was doing it right and his partner was feeling pleasure, "K-Keep going" Toby blushed, Ben's eyes looked back to Toby's  throbbing cock- Tobias felt every heavy hot breath Ben took on his member- He's taking too long... Tobias didn't want to force his partner but he was craving it so much already he couldn't wait- "I-I'm sorry" Toby gently held some of the smaller boy's hair and thrust forward into his cold mouth, "haah~"

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