Chapter 18 (Nothing Suspicious)

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(10:45 am In Femboy Hooters)


"So why are you this early again? you know you don't get paid extra even if you come early" Masky asked while wiping glasses, I grabbed one and helped him wipe "Well I told you, I stayed over Toby's place and I didn't wanna stay alone in his penthouse so I came with him...He also actually wanted me to come in the kitchen with him but I changed my mind cause you look like you needed help" I replied to Masky, "You stayed over because of yesterday right?" Masky asked, I paused for a second...."Yea.." I replied "I didn't wanna be alone after...that", Masky unexpectedly patted my head, I glitched "huh?" I looked up at him and smiled "Sorry you kinda caught me of guard there" I giggled, He smiled...I think? "well at least your ok", Toby walked out "Hey love you left your phone in the kitchen", Masky pulled his hand away from my head, I looked at Toby "Oh thanks Toby" I reached out for my phone leaning towards the Bar table , Toby chuckled awkwardly and looked at Masky, Masky ignored his staring, Toby handed the phone to me and kisses my cheek, I glitched no expecting that at all, I blushed red and hid my face, "See you later darling~" Toby says before walking away, let's say I was screaming inside- Masky watches as Toby walked back to the kitchen, "hm- he's lucky there isn't much people in the morning or else people would have seen that and reported it to Slender" Masky tells me, I look around then at Masky, He looked up at the clock, I tilted my head...He's been doing that for quite alot...Why does he need to look at the time when he knows he'll be here for the whole day anyways? "Are you waiting for someone or something?" I asked, Masky  glanced at me and didn't answer, I grunted "Come onnnn, tell!" I poked on his arm, he slapped my hand away...not to hard though-

"So how is your morning Ben?" Candypop passes by the bar table, I looked at him "Im fine, How are you sweet cheeks?" I giggled, Candypop raised his eyebrows, "Hm did you just call me sweet cheeks? Well anyways yes I am doing great" He response, I blep my tongue out "alright~" I sat down on the spare chair that was in here... probably from last night- "The manager in Tomboy Outback are coming here by the way" Candypop added in, I tilted my head "....what for?" I looked at Masky, so is that why he was constantly looking at the clock huh? well..."I honestly don't have much details to that, it's probably a meeting with Slender, Splendor and Pup" He answered, "who's....Splendor?" I asked, I haven't heard of that name before, "Oh yea! No one told you yet? He's the assistance manager" Candypop explained, oh yea Toby told me that there's a assistant manager, did he tell me the name? *sighhh* I most likely forgot- "Dose anyone except us know what the Outback manager look like?" Candy asked, I shrugged "dunno", I glanced over Masky for a second to see if he had anything to say, well he stayed silent...not surprisingly- "So when is he coming?" I asked, Candypop looked at the clock and hummed "I believe about 11:15 in the morning" he replied, 11:15...that's about 30 minuets later... "Don't worry about a thing, Slender has already told me that everyone's schedule stays the same, well apart from Pup" Candypop explained before leaving, I sighed "Whats wrong?" Masky asked, I shook my head "oh Nothing...Its just um- I lot of things happened since I got the job here, and it's barely been a month" I replied, Masky looked at me and tilted his head, I chuckled "No its not that I hate this Job, I'm just not used to the sudden changes..." I leant forward leaning on the side of the bar table, I sighed "I actually thought I'd stay alone forever, I never knew It was even possible for a loser guy like me to be in a relationship" I sighed again, I hear a fast and loud breathe out through the nose coming from Masky It was like he was trying not to laugh or something, I looked at him "W-What?", Masky glanced over me "Yea you sure sound like a loser right now" He replied, I frowned...ah whatever, what did I expect him to even say? "But to me, what you said sounded like you didn't believe things can change..." He added on, I looked back at him again "What do you mean?" I asked, He snickered "Its nothing..." I shrugged it off and we both just continued with our thing-

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