Chapter 9 ( Smile for me )

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(Toby's house)

"No...y-your not in l-love with m-me y-your just c-confused a-and" Toby kept stuttering
I didn't understand where was he going with this.... Didn't he said he liked me?
"T-there's no-o w-way.." Toby looked away, Is that it? He just had trust issues doesn't he?? "Toby I do like you! I've been thinking about it for a while now and I decided to exchange feelings with you...I think I really do like you"
Toby looked at me waiting for me to just say it was a joke or something, I giggled wiping the tears away from his eyes, he looked so confused i feel bad for him, "Toby...?" , "Y-yes?"

I hugged him
"I promise I won't let you go..."
"P-Promise?" He asked me-
I looked at the expression on his face, I guess the word promise should have triggered him-
There's no turning back now... "Yes I promise..."

(Sunday 10:35 am Toby's house)
I ended up staying over again...No we didn't do anything like THAT yes (He meant sex, Ben too shy to say the word hehe) We spent most of the day playing video games, chatting and watching movies in Netflix yesterday, not much but it was nice, I found out Toby's sister stayed at her girlfriends house every weekend, I'm actually glad I stayed over again, at least I didn't spend my saturday all alone again-

"Hey Ben?" Toby was lying down on my lap, we were sitting in room, "M-Mhm?" I blushed just by hearing his voice,"Ben does this mean we're dating?" Toby asked, I glitched "a-ah um..I gu-guess?" I responed to his question, Toby smiled after hearing my answer , I smiled back, He's smiling again, I love his smile so much, Toby sat back up, "Ben I a-actually h-have an-another q-q-q-question f-for you", I tilted my head "Sure um what is it?", Before any warning Toby poked my cheek and I glitched again, He giggles "W-Why do you g-glitch w-when I t-t-touch you?", I said nothing but blushed even more, Toby poked me again this time on my shoulder, "See! you d-did i-it a-again!", I bite my lip, Toby noticed "W-Whats wrong?", I forced a akward looking smile "It's so weird and freaky right?", Toby stared at me for a second "I-It's m-more c-cute than freaky a-a-and w-w-weird though", He said my glitches were cute before, but this time it felt different, "Is it really that cute?", Toby smiles smugly, oh no...what is he thinking of now? He whispers to my ear his voice not twitching at all "I can tell your spots easier now from how big your glitches are", I blushed hard and looked at him, he was forcing himself not to laugh I hit him softly on the chest "Tobyyyyy" I covered my face as he laughed after teasing me like that-

I managed to calm down, I looked at him still laughing, I rolled my eyes and chuckled-

"By the way Toby, do you take anything for your tics?" I asked, Toby thought for a while, "I n-never thought I r-r-really n-needed t-them, B-but I used t-to w-when Ma-masky and i-" He stopped there, I looked at him, so he thinks I don't know, "So is that what the pills were? In Masky's drawer" I re-called seeing the empty pills, Toby shook his head and scratched his head " T-those are for him" He chuckled "B-but l-let's n-not talk a-about that r-r-r-right now-w" He suggested, I nodded my head-

The afternoon was mostly me and Toby getting to know each others more-

"So you had an abusive dad too? ugh that must sucks-" I rolled my eyes,
Toby nodded "I k-know r-right?"

(15 minuets later)

"Oh my god she did that???"


(Toby's house 5:50 pm)

I picked up my shoulder bag, Toby has suggested that we find dinner outside, I wasn't really ready for this, isn't this basically our first date??I looked away as Toby got changed in the room, "S-such a g-gentlem-men" I hear Toby giggle, I looked at him, he wore a different top and a type of jacket over it, I noticed Toby always kept the same soft aesthetic style of outfit, He did have a good style though, I just don't understand why does he need to keep changing everytime we go out,I countinued to wear the sweater Toby gave me, I stood up from his bed, "So where are we h-heading?" I akwardly asked, I was really nervous! you...can't really blame me, Toby thought for a while "hmmm...W-what do you wanna eat?", I wasn't ready for that question, I thought Toby would already think of a resturant to eat in, I thought hard... What do I wanna eat?...  Sushi..nah Tacos? ehhh I don't know If Toby would like them tho... I was still thinking when Toby had an idea...I think "W-what a-about T-Taco bell?", so he really is fine eating tacos for dinner?? Oml Did he just read my mind??, Toby seemed to have noticed my surprised confused face "J-Jack told m-m-me you l-like T-Tacos" He commented, ah I see...I'm surprised Jack knows what I like though, I guess he was really paying attention to me and I was just over thinking it again, I smiled akwardly "Are you sure you wanna eat in Taco Bell?" I mean... To me Toby looked like he wasn't the type of person to be found in a Taco resturant, he looked like he belonged in some kind of resturant that was in a five star hotel, Toby nodded "I'm f-f-fine w-with eating j-junk food f-for the night, I'll j-just co-countinue m-my d-diet t-t-tommorow!", so he had a diet? Oh yea, I forgot we worked in Hooters, one of the rules were that we had to be fit and slim or something, which to me is a stupid rule, I was glad Toby agreed we go to Taco Bells though, I loved it there and It makes me more comfortable that Toby wasn't the type to wine about food, I honestly would be pretty uncomfortable eating in five stars resturants, I never been in one and never planned on going to one for now-

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