Chapter 7 (Sleep with me)

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(In Liu's car)


I hopped in the back seat with Toby, I looked around the car- "Hey Liu this is a different car from the other one-", Liu looks back, "oh yea cause since you did needed a ride for your drunk friend over here, I thought using a much more larger and comfortable car would be better wouldn't it?" ,wow this many cars does he have? We drove away, Toby leant on my shoulder, I looked over him, his eyes were half open, I placed my hands on his forehead, wtf he's burning up.. I bite my lip, "we'll arrive soon, just hang in there..", I whispered to him trying to make him feel better mentally, Toby slowly turned his head at me and smiled before passing out on my shoulders, I brushed his hair away from his face, this idiot... he shouldn't have drink too much- I looked over Liu, he was staring at me thru the car mirror- He looked away, "So how is he?" He questioned, I stuttered glitching again, "H-he probably has a fever, I d-d-don't know-", Ah why do I always have to embarrass myself in front of him ,it's always when I hear his dam voice ,something about it just gives me butterfly- "wtf stop" I shook my head, stop overthinking Ben get a grip- "hey are you listening ben?", "huh?" I looked back up at Liu, Liu chuckled "I asked if you wanna come over my place tomorrow-", I blushed "well um-" I suddenly remembered that I agreed to come over Masky's house on the weekend, "I kind of have to meet someone tomorrow, are you um free this sunday?", Liu frowned "ah shit I have a meeting with the mafia on Sunday, too bad- who are you meeting anyways?" he asked, I looked out the window, we were already in front of Toby's apartment, "uh just a friend-" I replied to Liu-


We got off the car, I looked at Toby who was still passed out, Liu walked in front of me and picked him up bride style, wow.. he's pretty strong, probably cause of the mafia training he has, do mafia members even train?, ah I'm so clueless, "You know which floor he lives in?" Liu looked at me and asked, I nodded, He followed me inside and we took the lift up to Toby's floor, I looked at Liu to see if not he was impressed by Toby's Penthouse, nope he had no responed "ah fuck I totally forgot how filthy rich this person is-" I rang the doorbell but there wasn't any response, "Toby's sister must be still out...but in such late time?", I told Liu, Liu tilted his head "so can you like wake him up or something-" Liu shrugs, I look at Toby who looked really sick right now, i sighed "I know I shouldn't be doing this but this is for Toby's sake" I looked back at Liu, I'm gonna get this open just a second", Liu looked confused but waited to see what i was up to, I placed my palm on the door, Liu watched as I glitched into the door, "ah fuck does this count as trespassing? whatever whatever", I opened the door from the inside, Liu looked really impressed, He walked in and placed Toby on the couch, Liu turned to me, "You never told me you could do that-" Liu patted my had softly, I looked at him and blushed, I impressed him, it wasn't a big deal, but why am I so happy- Liu walks towards the front door, "I'll drive you home if you wanna-", I glanced at Toby who was breathing heavily, "Uh- um it's fine I'll just um take the bus-", Liu stared at me for a few seconds, "well alright then, see you soon then-" He walked out and took the lift back down.


(12:30 pm, At Toby's house)

I carried Toby to his room with his arm around my shoulders, he was surprisingly light, He lied down and placed one arm around his eyes, covering his face-,  I paused for a moment before walking out the room ,I turned on the lights in the short hallway, I looked for the kitchen which took quite some time, this place is fucking huge honestly what did I expect??, I poured a glass of cold water, I walked back in to find Toby trying to get up, I walked towards him, "Toby you good?", Toby looked at me, I just noticed his twitching were slowing down, Toby said nothing and just leant on me, I huge alcohol mixed with the smell of puke was coming from him, I faced the other way, "Toby you need to take a cold shower, it'll sober you up faster, and you smell like alcohol...", Toby didn't say anything for a few seconds, "H-help me to t-the a shower...", He held my arm weakly , I sighed, well... He did look like he needed help, but it's not like his legs were broken- I helped him to the bathroom- "You can take it from here", He sat down on the fancy looking chair that was...for some reason in the bathroom, "rich people"  I chuckled, I looked at Toby and took this time to ask him,


 "Hey why did you..drink so much today?", Toby looked away while small tears formed in his eyes, he wiped it out, he looked back at me and smiled "I just wa-a-nted t-t-to feel s-s-something-"he gripped his arm hard i could see his nail dig into his skin, I grabbed his arm, "what are you doing??", I look at Toby with a worried expression, Toby gasp "I'im sorr-sorry-"he let go of his own arm, blood started to drip down, it wasn't that dark so i guess it was fine, But... "Toby what do you mean feel something?", Toby covered his mouth "I..I just A-after y-you r-r-rejected m-me i felt r-really u-um i dunno...s-sad?, but the thi-thing is that i c-couldn't fe-feel it-..Feelings, I haven't felt l-like this f-for a l-long time...since i ha-have...C.I.P.A ", I looked at Toby...He was numb??Actually numbed to the core? I thought for a while... It did explain all his bandages and his neck being skratched by him every second- there was silent for an akaward long minuet, I can't beileve he got like this...becuase of me- Should i have...gave him a chance or something?  a thousand thoughts were running around my head, 


Toby looked at me , "um ben-" I looked at Toby, "yes?", He turned his head away "it's a-alright l-late... d-d-do you wanna s-stay over-r?"He asked me, I looked at clock... it was pretty late... I looked back at him a smiled softly "alright alright just please wash up-"I walked out and closed the door, wait- DID I ACTUALLY JUST AGGREED- I covered my mouth, I was blushing madly, Am I really gonna be staying over his house, I never stayed over anyones house before... ah fuck how do you do this... I can't refuse now can I? It's gonna sound really rude if I did... I rubbed my head "ah what am I going to dooo-", Toby knocked on the door, "hey um-", I looked at the closed door and placed my ear on it, "T-towel...I f-forgot to...get it-t", "ah oh right- I'll get it for you", I walked into Toby's room and opened his closet, I found clean towels on the bottom shelf, "that didn't take so long~" I grabbed one and was about to walk back when Toby's phone that was left on the table just beside his be light up, A notification? A message probably, I was curious and i knew it was rude to invade someones privacy like that but i couldn't help it, I walked towards it and turned it on to see his lock screen, I blushed really hard, what the heck- He had a wallpaper of me playing on the play station with an oversized hoodie in it, "where did he even get this picture-" I looked closer and realized that I had Jack came over my place a little while ago," Dammit that guy actually sent this to Toby?" I sighed, "Ben??I'm cold..." I hear Toby calling out for me, ah shit i forgot he was waiting for me, I put the phone back down and rushed towards the bathroom, I knocked on the door and Toby opened it slightly, I looked away and handed him the towel, "i-i'll be waiting in the living room so you can change in your room with privacy-" I told him and walked away- 

After several minuets Toby walks out the room with new clothes on, he still looked really dizzy so i gave him the glass of cold water, "Be-ben you s-should t-take a s-s-shower t-t-too" Toby said to me, I shook my head remembering i didn't have clothes to wear, "I don't have extra clothes Toby-" I explained to him, Toby stared at me for a while, "You c-can b-borrow-w mine-", I looked at Toby thinking he was just making a weird joke and nope- he was serious "are you sure?I might make it dirty or-", Toby lied down on the couch "I-its fine Ben, j-j-just make it q-quick i-i wanna go t-to b-bed with you-u- I-its been a l-l-long day-" Toby said without any hesitation, My cheeks felt warmer "S-sleep with you?" I asked shocked, Ben took a glance at me "it's f-fine m-my be-bed is big e-e-enough for thre-ee p-people", I bite my lip, that idiot- that isn't the reason i'm like this, it's the freaking idea of sleeping next to a person let a lone a guy-, I looked at Toby again, he was waiting for me, "c-come one ben p-pleaseeee~" I sighed "J-just this once-", Toby smiled softly, I told him to get in bed and wait for me there, He borrowed me his clothes and a towel, after taking a shower i walked out and dried my wet hair by shaking my head round like a wet dog, I closed all the lights and went into Toby's bedroom, he was lying down already asleep, I sighed and lied down beside him facing the other way, I felt him hold my waist and pulled me closer, omfg toby stop- I looked behind me and realised he was already heavily asleep, I'll let it go this once, I felt bad for him... I eventually got tired of this position so i turned to him instead, I looked at him fast asleep...cute.. I was really was already pasted 12....

After a while... I fell asleep 



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